Rollersetting without washing...


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to rollerset my hair by just applying a leave-in mositurizer and then the rollers&clips? I want to rollerset but don't really feel like washing my hair since I washed day before yesterday.
I do it everyday that I wear a roller set. The first day I wash and set and for the days in between my washing I just part and roll. I don't even put anything liquid on my hair, maybe just a little shea butter on my ends. I use the hard rollers that are used in the salon. When rolling my hair dry I do go one size smaller than what I use when I hair is wet. Also on dry hair I use the rollers with the cover and when wet I use the clamps.
This is what I do too.....

LadyR said:
I do it everyday that I wear a roller set. The first day I wash and set and for the days in between my washing I just part and roll. I don't even put anything liquid on my hair, maybe just a little shea butter on my ends. I use the hard rollers that are used in the salon. When rolling my hair dry I do go one size smaller than what I use when I hair is wet.
Where were the dents? Near the roots? Are you putting too much hair in each roller? Try to put less hair in the roller and see if you still get the dent. Try one or two rollers just to see. HTH :)
i'll try that with the caruso rollers... less hair.

I have a problem rollersetting wet hair, so maybe dry hair with work better for me