Rollersetting Questions


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

I plan to rollerset my hair with a hooded cap dryer. A few questions:

1. Should I use heat protectant? I have Tresseme.

2. I don't normally use conditioner. Just prepoo, mudwash & then butters/oils as leave ins. Is it ok to leavein butters/oils with the cap dryer? Or should I use a lotion/spray leavein or make some kind of rinse out homemade DC? I have Shescentit coco cream lotion leave in & 2 spray leaveins (Jane Carter & Shescentit).

3. What is setting lotion for? I don't care about curls holding. Or does it help the hair keep from reverting?

Thanks in advance!
KittyMeowMeow Here are my answers:

1. Should I use heat protectant? I have Tresseme.
Yes, but apply the heat protectant AFTER your hair has dried and you removed the rollers. If you apply this before putting on the rollers your hair might get crunchy and feel hard.

2. I don't normally use conditioner. Just prepoo, mudwash & then butters/oils as leave ins. Is it ok to leavein butters/oils with the cap dryer? Or should I use a lotion/spray leavein or make some kind of rinse out homemade DC? I have Shescentit coco cream lotion leave in & 2 spray leaveins (Jane Carter & Shescentit).

I normally rinse out everything and then apply a leave-in conditioner. I use any butters and oils after my hair is dry. I do, however, apply some oil to my deep conditioner. You can try that instead. I find that whenever I apply oil before rollersetting that the end result is patches of oily hair and it might take 24 hours for the greasy hair to look normal again.

3. What is setting lotion for? I don't care about curls holding. Or does it help the hair keep from reverting?

I only used it once and it made my hair very crunchy so I never used it again. I would skip it if I were you.