Rollersetting etc..


I love rollersets but it takes entirely too long to get the rollers in my hair and sit under the dryer. To that end, can anyone recommend a way or a video that shows a faster way to rollerset faster. I know folks use the ponytail method, but I know my hair underneath will not dry properly.

I did try just letting my hair hang while I sat under the dryer for 20 minutes and then I blow dried the roots to straigthen this damaging? :perplexed By the way my blow dryer is not nearly as hot as the salons and my goal is not for pin straight, just a little straight.

I've also tried air drying and all I get is frizzy hair..:sad:

Thanks in advance....
I totally understand your plight. I am a regular roller setter and i have natural hair. The best advice I can give is that "practice makes perfect". I know that may not be the answer you expected. But the speed will come the more you do it.

Also I find that my sets dry much faster when I only use a good leave-in and a serum or oil.

When I get tired and notice my patience with my hair is low, I head to my fave Dominican salon for a set. This gives me the break I need. While there I always observe their roller setting techniques. I learn something new that improves my at home skill set each time.


ETA: Here is a helpful vid from Ms Kibibi. I section my hair before I start the wash/condition process. Oh, I don't use the rubber bands. I just braid each section. It saves me a lot of time.
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Thanks, Sunshine_One

I want to start rollersetting, but I'm confused on where to start. The ponytail method worked just okay for me, but I probably need to see the normal way at least once.

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Either pony set or bust. Regular takes way too long to roll and dry. I use to set with a total of 4 sections, 2 rollers per section for a total of 8 rollers. My hair was taking a little longer to dry so I now set with 5 to 6 sections with using 2 rollers per section. My roll time is about 15 - 30 mins depending on how fast I am moving and how well my hair detangles. Dry time is about 1 hr. Traditional takes me about 1 hr to roll and another 1.5 to dry.
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I believe Alraines has a roller setting video if you check YouTube. Actually I think a lot of the YT gurus have a roller setting vid. If you search LHCF for YT gurus I'm sure threads will come up with the links.

Seriously practice does make perfect, I was slow at first, on a good day I can set in 20 minutes, but normally it's about 35 mins, with 1.5 hours for drying. It's worth pursuing if you can. :yep:
I found wet wrapping did the job for less trouble, I do a silk wrap after to smooth it out as I get more new growth. Pin curls overnight can give the curl
I wet my hair just enought to make it damp and do bantu knots.
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I believe Alraines has a roller setting video if you check YouTube. Actually I think a lot of the YT gurus have a roller setting vid. If you search LHCF for YT gurus I'm sure threads will come up with the links.

Seriously practice does make perfect, I was slow at first, on a good day I can set in 20 minutes, but normally it's about 35 mins, with 1.5 hours for drying. It's worth pursuing if you can. :yep:

That's my favorite rollersetting video. :up: :yep:
Last time I rollerset I took the rollers out once they were dry enough for a curl to had formed. I pin curled them I guess you would call it and went back under the dryer. Same results with less drying time.

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I am learning how to rollerset and early on found out that my DRYER had a lot to do with the length of time. Once I bought a new dryer, it cut my drying time in nearly half. Just something to consider.
I am learning how to rollerset and early on found out that my DRYER had a lot to do with the length of time. Once I bought a new dryer, it cut my drying time in nearly half. Just something to consider.

I agree with this. When I first started roller setting, I had a small, cheap hood dryer and as my hair got longer, it started taking 2 hours to get my hair dry :ohwell: so I purchased a bigger one and even though it was more expensive, it's been a time saver. I've cut my drying time to 45-60 mins (depending on the temperature).
I have a crazy method from when I was BSL/MBL relaxed, but it worked. I only rolled the ends up to about chin length (shorter when my hair was SL) and used a skull cap to get the top to lay flat. I just made sure the ends that were rolled were really secure. Sometimes there was "line" in the set, but I normally just pull my hair up into a pincurled bun after setting anyway (modified "pineapple") and sleep on it. In the a.m., the curls are perfect and the line is gone. (Oh, this cut my drying time by at least 50%)
I'm in the UK so it's not easy to get a Pibbs. I bought one of those hood dryers that you see in the hairdressers. I bought it from the Sally's website during the Christmas period reduced to £125 from £250. I :love: it.
mzteaze - which do you have? I have a basic table top from Sally's and it's not the greatest although it gets the job done.

I have one I got from Amazon for about $130. Great deal.

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