Rollersetting = Breakage???!!??!!!??


New Member
I'm getting upset. I've got a fresh trim (set me back to APL) have been moisturizing and doing protein as needed and mostly in buns or french twists, yet this morning when I gently combed through the end of the ponytail with a wide toothed comb, I saw about 10, 2" broken hairs. Now please don't say "protein treatment" because my hair was good last week. But the thing I did do differently was rollerset.

I'm trying to stay away from the flat iron and blowdryer, but frankly my hair seems in BETTER condition when I lightly blowdry and flat iron on a very low setting 250-300. It seems smooth and shiny and tangle-free. I also notice very little breakage with total airdry.

Does anyone else here find that rollersetting is too much manipulation or not smooth enough and leads to breakage?
Ya know... I don't know if this is true or not but I wondered the same thing myself but at the same time felt a slight bit of confusion cause more people say flat ironning and blowdrying is worse for your hair than rollersets.

My rollersets look okay but I prefer the look and feel of flat ironing...My rollersets aren't smooth enough for me I airdry in a wrap often and then flat iron damp and it looks fabulous... I guess it just depends on the persons hair.
I've noticed this at times. One way to minimize it is to not dry the rollerset under the dryer completely and then either air dry the rest of the way or take down the very lightly damp (best way to describe is that you can barely feel the dampness, but you still feel some) set and pincurl it. I've done this in the past and it has helped.
I have this problem too. I jumped on the rollersetting bandwagon but it does not work for me. It takes too much time and I loose too much hair.

This is a prime example of why you should do what works for you.
Blow drying has never hurt my hair. I don't get breakage or anything. I don't care what everybody says, if your hair works better with blowdrying, do it! It's better than following what everyone says and your hair breaks.

I say, if it's not broken, don't try to fix it. "different strokes, for different folks". LOL!!!
the best advice from the ladies is to "do you". If you can do the flatironing and have no ill effects, then do that. I had lots of breakage when I first started rollersetting, mostly from my misuse of the comb, but now its much better.