Rollersetters: When do you need larger rollers?


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I'm thinking I may need larger rollers for some parts of my do you know when you're ready to move from the red to the purple or the purple to the grey? I'm using all reds now and some parts of my hair are shorter (purposely) so the curl looks great, but some parts are too tight and need to be wrapped for a few days before fall a little looser.

How many rotations should one make for an appropriate sized roller wrap curl?
The bigger the roller, the straighter the hair will be. As for is enough for a wrap. The more times you rotate, the tighter the curl will be.

I'm close to BSL, and I use the red for a tighter spiral look, the purple for a loose spiral look, and the gray for a straight hair.
my hair is APL and i use grey rollers for the most part, and a few purple rollers at the bottom b/c i make those sections smaller, and the bottom dries the fastest for me under the bonnet dryer.

when my hair was BSL, i used a combo of grey and blue rollers. i have the large red ones too but they got too "bendy" and i could never get my hair tight enough. as you probably already know, the less rotations around the roller, the faster your hair will dry.
The bigger the rollers, the straighter the look. It also depends on the length of your hair, if you like the curly look, maybe you should stick to the red rollers. I'm a little longer than shoulder length and I use pink or red rollers, I love the results of the pink rollers but the red ones, although less curly, make my hair look closer to it's actual length.
Hi all!

I'm thinking I may need larger rollers for some parts of my do you know when you're ready to move from the red to the purple or the purple to the grey? I'm using all reds now and some parts of my hair are shorter (purposely) so the curl looks great, but some parts are too tight and need to be wrapped for a few days before fall a little looser.

How many rotations should one make for an appropriate sized roller wrap curl?

I wear my hair straight so i use black and gray in the front!
I concur with all of the aforementioned answers -

It would depend on the style you want to achieve and the amount of hair - I don't have long hair (shoulder length) but I like to use the gray rollers for that just bumped wrapped look but I also use the purple rollers if I want a little more body....sometimes I use all three colors/types (depending on my mood)

It is more trial and error if anything - give the purple a try and see how it turns out - I bet it will be just as pretty and then not too much mention less time under the dryer!!
Thanks so much! I didn't even think about the dryer time being an issue. Saturday, with the red rollers, I was under the dryer for 1h15m. I'm gonna get some purples and greys before my Wednesday set.