Rollersets - how do i...


New Member
... make them come out just like the salon? Everytime i do my rollerset, my hair comes out thick... no matter how tight I set the rollers. They r not that tight... but they r tight enough. My hair is dry within 45 mins but when i remove the rollers, my hair doesn't have that flat/curly look... i then have to use my air brush or my flat iron which i dont want to do. Any suggestions on making my rollersets more ummm... appealing 2 the eye

CH maybe you could make the sections a bit smaller.
I think the reason why the hairdresser's rollersets come out tighter is b/c of the doobie wrap with all the pins. That really does straighten out the rollerset.
Try using the wire or mesh rollers, I have much more control over the roller and it's tautness. My hair always comes out salon like with these.. I still have not mastered the magnetic ones.
Thanks Glossy for the links

@ Britt - i always doobie afterwards but still my hair is uberthick... like i air dried it or something (just not that bad
I will try to section them smaller... but dang, my shoulders b hurting

@ Zuppy - the wire ones... with the cushioning insides? The one that u secure with the pink 'pins'? OMG, i haven't used those in AGES
I learned this trick that really makes it lay down and look sleek and shiny....when u take the rollers out and wrap your hair....wrap saran wrap around your wrap(wrap wrap wrap I then sit back under the dryer for 10 minutes or so. my old stylist used to do this.
I'd b too scared 2 try that...
i'd be too busy thinking the 'plastic' is going to melt into my hair... LOL

i just had an epiphany, how about remove the rollers and then put a heating cap on my head and sit for like 15 mins... (they did that when i had my tracks in). Would that yield the same results?
lol, it wont melt!
If it didnt melt under the dryers at the salon which are way hotter than hot, I knew it wouldnt under my little gold gold n hot. Im telling ya, it makes your hair look silky looking just like that!

Im not sure about the second trick but its worth a try!
when they wrap the plastic around ur head
does it leave ur hair looking like it was just flatironed or blowdried?
CH your funny
I don't know what to tell you. You are blessed with a hell of a thick mane. I know where you coming from though b.c my wrap never lays as flat as when I go to the salon.
Wait, are you telling me you doobie with all the pins like the salon does??? I truly believe this is wait really lays the hair flat.
i do all that britt... all that. pins (about 40), scarf and all... yet my hair does NOT lay flat

i look like a bush baby... LOL
They are just wire, kinda like the ones with the brush in the middle but there is no brush or anything in the middle or on the sides. I've been trying to find a picture but I guess they are very old, but still highly recommended from what I've seen on the web... here's an article clip from essence: Rollers,reach for mesh or metal rollers for a long-lasting set. Mesh ones are best because they also create tension in the hair for straightness. I have VERY think 4B sholder length hair, these are the only rollers I can use on myself to get salon like set. To me you have more control over the taughtness of the roller than with magnetic ones.. at least until I get the hang of the magnetic ones.
CaramelHonee said:
i do all that britt... all that. pins (about 40), scarf and all... yet my hair does NOT lay flat

i look like a bush baby... LOL

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Hee hee,,, well kudos to u anyway for knowing how to duplicate thier doobie wrap pins and all
CaramelHonee I have the same problem. I use to think I it's because I didn't use enough setting lotion but that wasn't the case. I think it's the way you set the rollers you can't part it too wide and the hair has to be secure on the roller while it is drying.
My JC Penney stylist did the Saran Wrap procedure on my hair at my last relaxer touch up. My hair looked wonderful!

Zuppy said:
They are just wire, kinda like the ones with the brush in the middle but there is no brush or anything in the middle or on the sides. I've been trying to find a picture but I guess they are very old, but still highly recommended from what I've seen on the web... here's an article clip from essence: Rollers,reach for mesh or metal rollers for a long-lasting set. Mesh ones are best because they also create tension in the hair for straightness. I have VERY think 4B sholder length hair, these are the only rollers I can use on myself to get salon like set. To me you have more control over the taughtness of the roller than with magnetic ones.. at least until I get the hang of the magnetic ones.

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Zuppy - do you use end papers? And how about setting lotion?

thanks guys...

ummm... how long do u stay under the dryer with the saran wrap
and how many times do u wrap it around ur head... (i feel like a fool asking this
). lastly, i have a salon dryer -meaning it gets HOTTTTT- so please keep that in mind when telling me how long to stay under there.

CaramelHonee said:
thanks guys...

ummm... how long do u stay under the dryer with the saran wrap
and how many times do u wrap it around ur head... (i feel like a fool asking this
). lastly, i have a salon dryer -meaning it gets HOTTTTT- so please keep that in mind when telling me how long to stay under there.


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Use enough plastic wrap to wrap the head and secure the ends of the wrap. I stayed under the hood dryer for about ten minutes.

I long to own a salon hood dryer. I simply have no place in my apartment for one.

I have some old mesh rollers...I never new that I could rollerset w/them. They're small cause my hair was short back then. How do u secure them if you sit under the dryer? Will those pink pins hold up in the heat?
Yes, I use end papers, I wrap them around the roller before I roll. The products I use.. and I use VERY LITTLE of each, Surge (sometimes on scalp) Keracare setting foam, Design essentials serum & Jojoba oil on the ends. I've done this many times and from trial and era I've learned you must use VERY LITTLE PRODUCT, in order for hair to come soft and bouncy as well as hair must be tight on the roller and all the way dry!
My pins are a clear gold color, they have a metal pin inside them covered by the gold plastic & a little round head. Yes I've been doing my own rollersets for a year with those things.

The mesh rollers come in the same sizes the magnetic rollers come in at least in my BSS they do. Like I said above I have not seen them on line at all, not even at Sallys. The rollers do tend to lose their shape after a while but I've learned to readjust them myself, so I've had the same rollers for about a year. The pins tend to tear up so I always have an extra pack on hand.
Why does everyone think thats me??

It actually does look a little like me and my hair.. but it aint me.
northernbelle, I sit under the dryer for about 10 minutes too...
and I wrap it around a couple of times.
zuppy, about how many pumps of the foam do u use? Im trying to get an idea of how much setting lotion to use and I use a foam lotion too. BTW do u like keracare's better than design essentials?
I am taking notes I saw different size mesh rollers in my BSS plan to get some my next visit.
I am going to try the saran wrap too.
Does it make a difference if I use my leave in or wrap lotion first.
Why use saran wrap on your hair when a simple wrap paper strip will work? Been using those for years and even wrap a piece around my hair at night before my satin scarf to keep my hair nice and straight.
michelle, the saran wrap isnt to hold it in place, it really does some kind of holds in the heat or something, Im not sure but your hair comes out silkier and shinier than before u put it on...u should try it! there is a very noticable difference...