Rollersets-Begin at Front or Back?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I normally do rollersets with a row going back down the middle and both sides being rolled down/back (see my album). I usually start rolling the middle section at the back making 2" horizontal partings. Does anyone know the advantages of starting at the front? If so, at what angles do you have to hold the hair to get it tight?
I just start at back and work way up front and at any angle that gets rollers in there as tight as possible. I usually just want to get everything done ASAP and angle doesn't matter to me because put into a wrap immediately afterwards -- my goal is to get my hair dry ASAP.

BTW, when I got my last touchup at the dominician salon, she roller set all going FORWARD, when I asked why, she said because it drys faster. I can't work those rollers forward myself, so I just get them in as smooth as possible at any angle and get under the dryer -- my hair always comes out nice.
Neroli said:
BTW, when I got my last touchup at the dominician salon, she roller set all going FORWARD

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what do u mean by forward?
"forward" means hair was rolled toward direction of my face rather than the direction of my neck.
I used to rollerset my hair regularly and I always started at the front, simply because I just didn't know there was any other way to do it. That was the way my hairdressers did it when I used to go to salons, so I did it that way, too. I would hold the hair in the front straight up to roll it, but as I got further back, I think I had pull each section forward a little to roll it.

However, I was only able to do this on my own when I wore my hair mid-back length or shorter. When it was longer, I couldn't roll it correctly because my arms couldn't far reach enough to touch the ends of my hair as I tried to roll it.

Your hair is very pretty.
I'm having trouble imagining starting the rollerset at the back. Do you find that it gives you a better rollerset?
Hi renee n 3000, Im assuming that you are addressing me with your question, if so, I do find it better starting at the back otherwise when I start at the front, I have to pull that hair over the sections that have previously been rolled. Also, in starting at the front, I would never get the first roller as tight as it should have been.

Thanks everyone...
Hi renee: it's just easier for me to start at the back -- if I start in front, I can't seem to get to back real good and my sets are not as tight or smooth as I like. When I first started learning, I was told it HAD to be done starting front center, etc. etc. and I tried -- eventually, just started doing what was easy, back to front and voila, hair comes out just fine, I'm faster at it and the sets are tight and smooth. So as, someone said earlier, it's just easier.
I start at the front and roll away from the face- just imitating how they did it at the Dominican salon.

I also do this because by the time I get to the back I am so tired that I become lazy (not getting hair as tight/smooth, taking large chunks, etc.), and I figure that it is more important for the front to look good than the back

I do know what you mean, though, Lonei- sometimes I have to go back and re-roll the first few rollers to get them tight.
Thank you for the explanation, Lonei and Neroli. I'll give that method a try the next time I rollerset. I have to buy a larger hooded dryer!
Wait a minute - I just realized that in order to do this, I'd have to go to a salon because I don't plan on cutting my hair anytime soon and I can't wet-set it myself at this length. I don't trust hairdressers anymore. Oh well, it was nice thinking about it anyway.
Raquel said:
I have never started from the back, never though to do that. I may try that next time.

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Same here!
Neroli said:

BTW, when I got my last touchup at the dominician salon, she roller set all going FORWARD, when I asked why, she said because it drys faster.

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I also roll my hair starting in the front and roll FORWARD towards my face. My hairdresser told me that they also roll towards the face not only b/c it dries faster but also because of the fact that they start at the front and it keeps those first unruly rollers from getting wobbly. In other words, to get a very straight rollerset you have to comb the section in the opposite direction of the way that you are going to roll. So if you want to roll the hair forward, towards your face, you would comb the hair backwards, towards the back of your head and then put the roller on top and roll.
k that sounded confusing but I hope it made sense

TO all those ladies that think your hair is too long to roll by yourself, take this tip I also got from my hairdresser- Place the roller in the middle section of your hair (or the furthest down the shaft that you can reach) and then wind the ends onto the roller and then roll the roller up to the roots... The results are the exact same-- my cousin does this all the time. (I hope that explaination made sense
Interesting thread. I start in the back. I've never tried rolling towards my face and I'm wondering exactly why it dries faster? It's the same amount of hair on the roller. I'll try it next time and check it out.