RIP Pibbs


With Love & Silk
I've had a rocky relationship with my Pibbs dryer since almost as long as I've owned it. I got it in 2008, and used it faithfully every week for about a year and a half. I had time to rollerset the, because I didn't have children. :lol:

Anyway, while it was still under warranty I noticed that it did not dry my hair thoroughly on the right side and that side even developed a crack, so I sent it in. I had to pay the shipping to send it in. They are quick with repairs. I wasn't using it as often by this time, but eventually I noticed that the little booger wasn't drying the left side of my hair even after 2 hours under there. :( So, I sent it an again, had to pay shipping, also had to pay repair charge since it was out of warranty. Since I hardly use it now, it has been sitting in the box that they shipped it back to me in for about a year.

Today, I decided to rollerset, spend almost an hour rolling my hair. I had the Pibbs out and as I was plugging it in I actually had the thought "Wouldn't it be awful if I'd just spent all that time rolling my hair and this thing didn't work." Well, as a man thinketh, so is he, because that little joka is NOT working at all. It's been a year since I got it back from Pibbs, so I doubt I have any recourse to complain.

Fortunately for me and this rolled up hair, I have held on to my Hot Tools table top dryer which I have had for probably 8 or 9 years and it still works. So that's where I am as I type this. My overall experience with the Pibbs hasn't been a great one. And I will surely open up packages right away when I receive them from now on.

ETA: The last salon that I used to go to had Pibbs dryers mounted on the walls, but I never saw them in use. Now, I think I might know why. :nono:
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Wow :hug3:

Sometimes the cheaper ones work better so I hear. I have a friend who brought a Pibbs and she says she hardly uses it because her cheaper one works just as well if not better....
Talk about a lemon!!!

Bought mine in May '11. Still going strong!!!

Has this experience sworn you off Pibbs?

Hmmm :scratchch I don't know, probably so, just because I wouldn't want to spend that kind of money again just for things to turn out the same way. With the cost of the actual unit, plus shipping for repairs and repair costs, I know I went over $500. :nono:
And for me, it didn't seem to dry my hair any faster than any other dryer I've used: dryers at the salon, my Hot Tools table top, and a Hot Tools Tourmaline rollabout.
Hmmm :scratchch I don't know, probably so, just because I wouldn't want to spend that kind of money again just for things to turn out the same way. With the cost of the actual unit, plus shipping for repairs and repair costs, I know I went over $500. :nono:
And for me, it didn't seem to dry my hair any faster than any other dryer I've used: dryers at the salon, my Hot Tools table top, and a Hot Tools Tourmaline rollabout.
Supergirl That makes sense. If I had that experience, I believe I would come to the same conclusion that it's not worth it!
Supergirl I am so sorry! I know exactly what you went through! The same thing happened to me and my Salon Hooded Dryer from I had it for over a year and a half and it was amazing...

Then one day it stopped working. At first I thought it was a fuse (a 120v fuse is NO where to be found, btw) but then someone let me know that the fuse was not the issue. I was told that it was the dial in the middle that was the "control center" of the dryer. I paid the company to send me the small part that was needed ($10.00) only to have someone open up the dryer and say "Ang, this is the wrong part."

I was upset, I call the company and they were willing to fix it if I send it to their HQ. I asked them why they sent me the wrong part and they mentioned that "we don't sell that model anymore (I don't want to get into it because I'l get upset). I found out the shipping cost would have been $80, plus the $75 dollars it would cost for the repair. I did what any other LHCF'er would do...

I bought another dryer! I asked for the same one but this dryer fan does not go counter-clockwise and clockwise like my baby did. It also takes a little longer to dry (a little, like 4-5 minutes more, which I am perfectly okay with).

I still recommend the LCLBeauty dryer on wheels. It's only $129.00 and you get free shipping. Regardless of my contrary attitude I thought they had GREAT customer service. Plus it was probably my fault that it broke (I always turn it on from the timer and not from the fan). Sorry again!
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Supergirl, out of curiousity, how much did the repair cost (in case I ever have to get mine fixed)? Sounds like you got a bad apple :( Ive had mine since 07' aand it is still going strong. I got a really super deal on it. Mine got a small crack in the visor part that goes up and down during shipping and they replaced the whole top of it for me, so since it still worked perfectly I sold the top part and the person who bought it only had to buy the bottom at the end of the day it was little or nothing I paid for it since I practically got another for free and sold it. Worked out great! I love how fast it dries bc I hate sitting under the dryer. 45 minutes and Im good...but I really barely use lately bc I usually use my heatcap for DCing and tend to airdry 95% of the time. I need a comfortable chair to sit under it in or at least a cushion or omething lol.
Supergirl, out of curiousity, how much did the repair cost (in case I ever have to get mine fixed)? Sounds like you got a bad apple :( Ive had mine since 07' aand it is still going strong. I got a really super deal on it. Mine got a small crack in the visor part that goes up and down during shipping and they replaced the whole top of it for me, so since it still worked perfectly I sold the top part and the person who bought it only had to buy the bottom at the end of the day it was little or nothing I paid for it since I practically got another for free and sold it. Worked out great! I love how fast it dries bc I hate sitting under the dryer. 45 minutes and Im good...but I really barely use lately bc I usually use my heatcap for DCing and tend to airdry 95% of the time. I need a comfortable chair to sit under it in or at least a cushion or omething lol.

It wasn't much for the repair Leslie_C

I think it was around $40.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I also had problems with the Pibbs when I bought one three years ago. It basically didn't live up to the "dry quickly" promise and for $400+, I was expecting some resuls. After two returns I finally got a refund and bought a Highland brand stand-up dryer for $139 and haven't looked back. It's still going strong after three years of practically weekly use. I hope you find a good dryer soon.
DH and I both use the Pibbs and thankfully we have not had any problems with it yet. It was a good investment for us although I rarely rollerset these days.
Thanks for sharing....My 4th cheapie hair dryer (when I say cheap, I mean $100- not actually cheap) just broke on me. I've been talking about buying a Pibbs forever and have yet to take the plunge. I just don't know what I'd do if I spent that much money and it died on me. It's bad enough spending $100 or so.
That stinks! I've had mine for about 3 years. I bought for $75 bucks and I found it on Craigslist. It doesn't dry as well and it takes me 2 hours to dry :-/ womp

If I buy a new dryer I probably won't buy a Pibbs
This thread actually helped me decide to buy another Gold 'n Hot ELITE standing dryer - that one lasted two years with bi-weekly use until I broke it during a move. I also just ordered a Huetiful steamer. With both, I come out cheaper than a PIBBS.

If anyone is reading this, do not buy a standing dryer by "Red." I barely used mine and it started blowing cold air only after less than 4 months.