Right or wrong? Mother can't pay stylist fees so stylist cuts child's braids


Active Member
Ok folks, looking for opinions. A stylist braided a child's hair (see picture on the left) but when the stylist found out the mother didn't have enough money to pay for the braids, the stylist cut them off (see picture on the right). My question to you all is, who is at fault here? I understand that the mother was trifling for not having the stylist's money but I wouldn't have the heart to cut the braids off the child.

I couldn't make a child suffer for the mother's poor decisions. I would have taken that as a lost told others not to deal with the mother and just await my blessing for doing the right thing.
I have a bigger issue with her posting photos of the child with her hair cut (where was mama when this was happening) with her face exposed on the internet where people will see it - possibly even mean classmates- more than the act of cutting the braids themselves.
I couldn't make a child suffer for the mother's poor decisions. I would have taken that as a lost told others not to deal with the mother and just await my blessing for doing the right thing.

IKR! That was so horrible and mean of her.
Wrong on both sides. I assume the mom knew the cost up front. She should have had the money or requested a style in her price range. The braids were already done, so what's the point of cutting them and punishing the child? :nono:

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Ummmmm......well......so many questions.

The stylist took pics of the kid's hair....then had the discussion as to fees?

The stylist cut the ends to do what? It's not like she took the braids out so the kid's hair is still braided really. Since she didn't want to take the braids completely out, why just cut the ends? How would cutting off just the ends result in her getting her all fees paid (if any)?

Why make the kid suffer even more after she spent all that time sitting there to get her hair braided?
There are so many other ways she could have handled this situation without shaming the child and posting pics. My first thought is offer the woman a payment plan or other means of working off her debt (cleaning, yard work, etc). Posting pics of that baby was low and totally uncalled for.
So, the mother just stood by and allowed some sanctimonious hair braider to cut her child's hair?
What does cutting the braids solve? It's not like that gives her back the time she spent on it. So if a client comes in for a press & curl but forgets their wallet she's gonna do what, wet their hair? Lol There had to be another way to solve the issue without embarrassing the poor little girl.
The pics should not have been posted but the stylist was definitely right in cutting those braids. Everybody always trying to come down on stylists for being trifling but rarely do I ever hear about trifling customers. No - you don't get to take advantage of me. Period. Then have the nerve to sit and watch me do a complete service and decide you're not going to pay? Walk into any business establishment, take what you want without paying and get arrested. In this case your hair gets undone. Blame the mother.
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So many things wrong

1. I wouldn't have the heart to do that

2. The stylist is wrong for the after picture

3. The momma is wrong for trying the stylist like that

4. Why does this little girl need all that weave?
I'm sorry but that stylist is trifling to do that to a CHILD. I get her anger towards the mom and the mom is trifling as all gets out, but to embarrass a child like that!??!? NO! :nono:
That poor little girls face. Smh

I bet the stylist changed the price at the end. She said the mom didn't have ENOUGH money, not that she refused to pay. I side eye these stylists these days. The mom could have possibly went home & got more money if there was a confusion however if she changed her price at end, I would not have paid her a dime either.
That poor little girls face. Smh

I bet the stylist changed the price at the end. She said the mom didn't have ENOUGH money, not that she refused to pay. I side eye these stylists these days. The mom could have possibly went home & got more money if there was a confusion however if she changed her price at end, I would not have paid her a dime either.

I was just about to post this. I am sick to death of stylist telling you one price and when thsy are finished, charging more. It's a game they constantly play with people. I bet Mom just put her foot down and refused to give the $50 bucks for Afro Sheen.
I wonder if a price was really established. I've seen clients knowing good and well what a price is and then waiting until the end to say they didn't have it. People especially like to play these types of games when it comes to their kids. Goes both ways. What's a trip though is that this is a braided style that takes several hours. How does so much time pass and nobody says a thing?
Pretty Crissy sure made herself look Ugly for doing that. I understand that the mother is wrong for not paying, but I agree with those who say that she should not have taken it out on the innocent child like that. This issue is with the mother and there is no way I would want to embarrass a child like that. She was wrong for posting that after picture of the cut braids with her face being exposed for the world to see. People sure are becoming more and more ruthless. :nono: There had to be another way to solve this. Maybe she should start doing what a braider that I know does, charge a deposit before service is performed.
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I was just about to post this. I am sick to death of stylist telling you one price and when thsy are finished, charging more. It's a game they constantly play with people. I bet Mom just put her foot down and refused to give the $50 bucks for Afro Sheen.

Yup, maybe she only had the exact amount she told her at first then the stylist changed it, or not giving you a price upfront, talking about "we'll see". I've had this happen to me as a child and adult, luckily I or my mom always had enough money.
The mother should have asked how much that particular style was BEFORE the stylist started. If it was too much, then mom could have chosen something within her budget.

Since the style was already completed, the stylist is wrong for cutting the braids.. She should have just taken what the mother could give and call it a day..
I wonder if a price was really established. I've seen clients knowing good and well what a price is and then waiting until the end to say they didn't have it. People especially like to play these types of games when it comes to their kids. Goes both ways. What's a trip though is that this is a braided style that takes several hours. How does so much time pass and nobody says a thing?

That's ridiculous.. I wonder if mom has a history in doing this with this stylist. Either way, the stylist shouldn't have cut that little girls hair. Weave or not..
The braiders I had charged up front.

However...those braiders that did not, would change the price on you. They would give you one price at the outset, then plead with you as to why after they did your hair the session costs at least 60 dollars more. The price would go from 90 to 150 over the course of a session easy.

If it was me and my head. I would have paid it. If it was my daughter's head I would have paid it, I don't want me or my child to be embarrassed in public like that.

However, let's say for some reason the price was changed halfway through and I really didn't have the full (newly adjusted amount) then the braider cuts my child's hair and has the nerve to post pictures!

:whip: :bat: :heated:

I mean it is one thing to cut the braids, but to also stop to pull out a camera?!

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so sorry the child had to go through this ordeal...smhh at the adults involvedd....

if you thought you were gonna take a scissors and cut some braids outta my daughter head you betta think again...ish woulda got real at that point

the child is innocent and did not deserve to have to walk round with ucked up braids..umm nooo--take that up with me not my child...
That's ridiculous.. I wonder if mom has a history in doing this with this stylist. Either way, the stylist shouldn't have cut that little girls hair. Weave or not..

This is more along the lines of what I was thinking. I can totally picture the 2 adults being acquaintances of some sort. Then once the stylist finished, the mother saying something like "Oh girl, I just had an emergency and I can't pay you right now. I'll pay you in 2 weeks after my next check." I still agree with cutting the braids though, bump that.
Was the price established before the service was done? even if it was I would have just taken it as a loss and not dealt with the mother anymore.