Revlon Conditioning Brush?


Well-Known Member
i cant find a picture online of it...anywhere

but i was in walgreens today
and saw this brush by revlon.

it was something like:

amber waves conditioning brush (or...something)

anyway, you're supposed to be able to
open up the back and put creams, liquids and conditioners
and while you're brushing your hair it's supposed to
distrubute the products evenly through your hair.

i thought it looked...interesting.

not sure i'd try it or not.

but...thought i'd err pass it along.

if someone finds a picture of the it up.

Great...something else to search and sieze!

I have the Amber waves (?) brush to smoothe the edges. It is lovely :lick: It is designed so that it can be dipped in large gel jars for easy applications.