Results from JFM Texture Softener


Active Member
A couple of people wanted to see my pics after I used the JFM texture softener. I left it on for about 8-10 minutes then rinsed it out. Didn't really change my texture to me, just made it have less shrinkage. Sorry it took so long for pics but I finally uploaded them...





wow, it must be extremely gentle that you've been able to leave it on for 10 minutes! That's awesome. It looks good. SK, do you consider yourself to be 4a? I think your hair is very similar to mine...
I think it looks really good! It loosened up the texture just enough but not too much.
wow, it must be extremely gentle that you've been able to leave it on for 10 minutes! That's awesome. It looks good. SK, do you consider yourself to be 4a? I think your hair is very similar to mine...

I think so....mostly 4a with a little 3c sprinkled in here and there. Also I think it depends on your individual hair how long to leave it on because I researched before I got it and some people got straight hair for leaving it on for less time from smoothing or combing through like the directions say do. So I just put it on with little to no smoothing and washed it out. Wouldn't recommend a texturizer to anyone unless you're absolutely sure about what you're doing and willing to accept if the texture doesn't come out the way you want it to.
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It looks good. I remeber seeing the box. I thought it was a temporary thing? Do you know if that's the case?
Is there a difference between JFM Texture Softener and any other texturizer?

there is a step where you put sunflower oil in the jfm texture softener. i've used this product before and it seemed to me like it was any other perm in that when my stylist put it on my hair she smoothed it out just like a regular perm and my hair was straight. when i did it myself and didn't smooth it out, it loosened my texture just a bit but it wasn't as cute as op's turned out
It turned out very nice. The before texturizer pictures were very pretty too. I loved the texture of your fro. Was the before picture just a wash and go?
Thanks everyone! I was sooooo scared with that stuff in my hair, you should've seen me watching the clock like a hawk, lol

It turned out very nice. The before texturizer pictures were very pretty too. I loved the texture of your fro. Was the before picture just a wash and go?

Thanks, I liked my original texture too, it just had a lot of shrinkage to me. Its in a wash-n-go which is how I wear it 99% of the time, lol
I love your results!! I should have thought about using JFM instead of texlaxing. I was hesitant to try it because i thought it was only effective for type 3's but you've sold me on it.
I picked that up at a store the other day but I put it back because I noticed it had some of the same ingredients in relaxer. I like how your hair looks though.....I would like to get that texture myself but I'm trying to find something a bit more natural :ohwell: