Respect from the Mods

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Well-Known Member
I appreciate that the mods work hard to keep this forum clean and as drama free as possible. Yet, I've noticed a pattern of what appear to be arbitrary decisions made by the mods and would like to make the following suggestions.

When you make change to the forum like removing the thanks button, why not just send out a general alert explaining to members why you made the change? Instead, now you have multiple threads of people wondering where the thanks button has gone and whether its gone permanently. If it's a glitch, again a simple general alert message would eliminate alot of speculation and conversation about why the change.

Second, even though I appreciated the thanks button and found it a way of letting members know you enjoyed their posts, if you felt the thanks button encouraged a popularity contest, then you should remove the number of posts folks have made completely as that's another way of "ranking" members. Rather just post the year someone joined to show that they are a long time member.

Lastly, when you lock a thread, the last post on the thread should say why you are closing the thread. There have been numerous incidents were a thread has been closed for no apparent reason. If you want people to adhere to some type of etiquette around posts, then you should make it clear to people when they've broken that etiquette so we know what can and can't be posted.

Again, I appreciate your efforts to keep things civil around here, but I think it would make for an even better forum if the mods took just a few steps to be as respectful to the members as they are asking us to be to each other.
Well said! If there were a thanks button :) I'd thank you.

Thanks for all the work you do, Mods!
The mods didn't take away the thanks button. That's a administrative decision. More than likey, with the new software, Bev and Nikos decided not to use it or it wasn't and option with this package. Every year around this time we get new things and other things are taken away.
This is possible, but again: why not say that there's a chance certain features might be gone in the "upgrade"? There used to be announcements in red stating when changes would occur; that didn't happen this time. :nono:

The mods didn't take away the thanks button. That's a administrative decision. More than likey, with the new software, Bev and Nikos decided not to use it or it wasn't and option with this package. Every year around this time we get new things and other things are taken away.
The mods didn't take away the thanks button. That's a administrative decision. More than likey, with the new software, Bev and Nikos decided not to use it or it wasn't and option with this package. Every year around this time we get new things and other things are taken away.

I figured it was probably something like this. I didn't think OP was necessarily saying the mods took it away--just that a heads up would have been nice. But if the mods didn't know it was going, then the whole point is moot. :lol:
Well said OP! THANK YOU!!

ETA: A heads up from the mods (if they know), administration, owner, ANYONE would have been appreciated.
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The mods didn't take away the thanks button. That's a administrative decision. More than likey, with the new software, Bev and Nikos decided not to use it or it wasn't and option with this package. Every year around this time we get new things and other things are taken away.

See....a very simple explanation that would have avoided a lot of point is why can't the mods (or administrators or owners) just state that?
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This is possible, but again: why not say that there's a chance certain features might be gone in the "upgrade"? There used to be announcements in red stating when changes would occur; that didn't happen this time. :nono:

Nikos was doing that and I hated that red bar. Made my eyes hurt. IDK and I'm not a mods but I assume every year about this time that things will be taken away and other things will be added. That along with a major banning always happens in the heat of the summer.

I figured it was probably something like this. I didn't think OP was necessarily saying the mods took it away--just that a heads up would have been nice. But if the mods didn't know it was going, then the whole point is moot. :lol:

I understand and I hope I don't come off odd. I was not stating that the mods are not at fault. And also, Bev has always answered my pms when I had questions about the way things are done.
Come on ladies. We pay $5 and we get alot in return for that. I'll ask Bev to let us know next time she makes any chances.:yep:
I don't think it's unfair to ask for a warning or explanation of changes. It seems to me it would be easier for them to explain changes in a sticky as opposed to receiving thousands of PMs from us.
Well said! If there were a thanks button :) I'd thank you.

Thanks for all the work you do, Mods!

Me too! Well said! :)

Well, I must say, Ms. Amber, that I'm 30,000+ posts, so everybody here knows I've been running my mouth a VERY LONG TIME!

Ha! :lachen:
I figured it was probably something like this. I didn't think OP was necessarily saying the mods took it away--just that a heads up would have been nice. But if the mods didn't know it was going, then the whole point is moot. :lol:

That is where the possible glitch comes in at :drunk:

Heck! Maybe we used it too much! LOL!
I figured it was probably something like this. I didn't think OP was necessarily saying the mods took it away--just that a heads up would have been nice. But if the mods didn't know it was going, then the whole point is moot. :lol:

Thank you.
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