Replacement for Old Elasta QP Creme Condish Shampoo?


New Member
Hello ladies, I have a quick question. Im pretty upset about the reformulization of my beloved creme conditioning shampoo. For those of you loved the OLD formula and dont care for the new formula, have you found a something similar or exactly like the OLD formula to replace it as a holy grail weekly shampoo? I stocked up but im on my last bottle of the old formula. This will probably last me a few months so im reaching out for some recs for a replacement. Please and thank you! :-)
I have been in love with the "old" formula for 3 years and it is the only shampoo I have ever! I have the "new" forumla as well. I have to say, that I actually like both. I'm too LOYAL to turn back. I'll probably use the Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo forever or until that just completely stop making it. What do you find wrong with the "new" formula?

Oh yeah, I stocked up on this shampoo years ago (sad I know). I have the industrial bottles...haha!
its noticeable more heavier & I really dont like the way it feel compared to the old formula with less ingredients. Thats cool that the new formula is working for others though.
I like both. They both work the same to me. But everybody's hair is different. A shampoo that works similar to this IMO is KeraCare's Hydrating Detangling Shampoo.'s kinda expensive for the amount you get. Or maybe I'm just a cheapskate. ??? HTH.
I've been diluting the new version with water and using it that way since I can no longer find the old formula online. This method allows me to reap the silky, moisturizing benefits without the heaviness.

In addition to KeraCare Hydrating & Detangling Shampoo, another copycat is the CON Argan Oil Shampoo - all three of these shampoos performs exactly the same.
Bump. Does anyone have any other suggestions for conditioning shampoos? I can't use the new formula because it has coconut oil in it and I'm allergic to coconut oil. I'm so mad I never got to try the original. :(