
New Member
I wanted to know if anyone knew if it is possible to remove hair color...or do I have to just grow it out. I dyed it black 6 months ago(permanent), and then I dyed it again (this time semi-permanent)one week ago. I've been dying my hair on and off since 2000, and I just wanna see my natural medium brown hair color again! i miss it and think it'll take forever to grow out!
Any suggestions???
From what I understand, black is THE color that cannot be dyed over or removed, it must either grow out, fade out or be stripped w/bleach. I think while tedious, growing it out is the safest option for the hair. Sorry
Well, black is stubborn, but I've heard this trick that supposedly works wonders. You get any cheapo, generic dandruff treatment shampoo and put it on dry or damp hair as a mask for 15-30 mins and then you get in the shower and shampoo with it normally. You do this for three days and its supposed to strip color w/o drying you out too much. HTH
Hmmmm, really? I wouldn't try it, but I guess desperate means call for desperate measures