Religion is imperfect


Well-Known Member
Religion was created by man. Before there was religion god reigned the heaven and the earth. He reigned before jesus was born before mohammad or moses were born. He used them to get through to the world but they were men and not perfect. God is not jesus he is god. People always get that wrong. Jesus is the son of god and a prophet or messanger of god. He was used by god to show his power on the earth. That is all. All religions are a path to god except witchcraft. With witchcraft you rely on your own power and not gods. So its an abomination to god. The quaran torah and bible are history books. They are a history of gods power. That is all. They were created by man so they are imperfect.
James 1:27 - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Different religions may reflect the desires of humanity to make sense of our existence and connect with the Higher Power that we know deep down exists. However, I truly believe that within Christianity is the truth and the revelation of how humanity is being reconciled with the Creator in every way. The Bible is certainly a history book, but it is also the greatest guide book inspired by God and written by man.
Religion was created by man. Before there was religion god reigned the heaven and the earth. He reigned before jesus was born before mohammad or moses were born. He used them to get through to the world but they were men and not perfect. God is not jesus he is god. People always get that wrong. Jesus is the son of god and a prophet or messanger of god. He was used by god to show his power on the earth. That is all.

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1

Also in Genesis, God said "let US make man in OUR image."

Jesus is God and existed with God before the Incarnation.
I asking a special favor from each of us... "Me, Shimmie", especially. Yes me.

I see our sister above in need of so much love and support from us. A lot of what she has shared above is not scriptural. I so clearly see this. :yep:

She is healing from something that many of us have never nor ever will experience. I cannot begin to imagine how much pain this dear one has endured. I literally fell into tears when I read her testimony. It broke my heart to see such hurt in such a beautiful person.

I am not saying that we 'allow' the untruth to go without correction. But, please......Let's embrace her and teach her the Truth that we all know.

Again, I say especially me, as I purposely held back from responding earlier to the Original post.

Agreed? :yep:

I don't want to see her back where God is bringing her from. Let's just share the Truth with her, in love; it's the only way to help her healing.

I'm not judging, I promise. Everyone in this forum is filled with the love of Jesus. We can be her 'Barnabus' :yep: I just need to think of a female version of that name. :lol:

Love always to each of you,

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