
I relaxed recently and I noticed that my scalp was dry and itchy.:sad: This has never happened to me before in the past. Has anyone ever had to deal with this issue and how did you handle it? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I would suggest some type of antibacterial/antifungal. A salicylic acid shampoo would do the trick. Also, try oiling your scalp with something that contains tea tree or peppermint oils, because those can really help you out. I used to get dry scalp really badly after each relaxer, no matter how much base I used, and then these two tricks took care of it, so I hope it will help you as well.
My cement scalp never itches or gets irritated, but how often do you wash/cowash? Do you moisturize daily?

I also lightly massage my scalp when I moisturize, but I don't know if that helps.
When I was relaxed, I stayed with scalp problems:sad:. I have no advice OP besides possibly try to oil or moisturize it or see what the root of the problem could be.
Per NaiyaAi and sunnieb- I would suggest a scalp massage with a carrier oil such as JBCO/Regular castor oil or jojoba oil with a few drops of peppermint oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, or eucalyptus oil. I would do the massage for up to five minutes every few days. Doing this has worked for me.
acv rinse. Always does the trick for me. U can put some in a spray bottle and just spritz on your scalp too. Add a little tea tree oil and peppermint for healing. Used the mixture chilled. Its very soothing
Did you just say you relaxed :spank: But for the dry scalp try some castor oil mixed with olive oil. And if you do vitamins fish oil really helps.

I agree with many of the Posts. Cowashing has been 'my friend' and an alleivator of Dry Scalp.

Regular shampoos were drying out my already dry scalp terribly. When I feel the 'need' to shampoo, I use a Cleansing Conditioner.

I also massage my Scalp with various oils that that helps a bunch. i.e. JBCO, Jojoba and others.

I also like the use of a daily creme, lotion or other moisturizer:yep:
Am I the only one shampoo helps?

My scalp tends to get cakey after 2 days after washing so washing helps. Conditioners don't do it as well.
Honestly, after having tried everything from oils, to sulfur grease, to massages, etc, the only thing that worked for me was Selsun Blue Moisturizing Shampoo.
I'm going to look into co washing and cleansing my scalp with ACJ. I think I need a complete product change.:ohwell: Maybe I need to change back to using the products I used when I was natural.
My scalp responds favorably to tea tree w/ castor oil, sulpher oil mix, and coconut oil with rosemary eo. I use any of the smelly concoctions overnite or a few hours before washing, or just coconut oil used lightly, 2X a week.

You might want to look into diluted castille soap because it rinses away completely and easily, so no residue is left on your scalp. You should also look into ayurvedic powders for hair washing.

You should stick with natural/non-chemical products for your hair so you can avoid another BC. :look:

Good luck girlie!

Other than Relaxers, I try to stick to Natural/Handmade Products. Good Decision DD.

I use:

Darcy's Botancials
Marie Dean
Kyra's Ultimate Indulgence
Purabody Naturals
Hydratherma Naturals
Hairitage Hydrations

You know, stuff like that, for Daily Maintenance DC'ing and Cowashing.
My scalp responds favorably to tea tree w/ castor oil, sulpher oil mix, and coconut oil with rosemary eo. I use any of the smelly concoctions overnite or a few hours before washing, or just coconut oil used lightly, 2X a week.

You might want to look into diluted castille soap because it rinses away completely and easily, so no residue is left on your scalp. You should also look into ayurvedic powders for hair washing.

You should stick with natural/non-chemical products for your hair so you can avoid another BC. :look:

Good luck girlie!

BCing is not an option. :nono::lol: I feel like I need to learn everything all over again. I haven't been relaxed in almost 2 and a half years. Also, this is a problem I never had. I feel like a newbie.:look:

DD, pull all the stuff out you were using for your Natural Hair and get busy!:lol:

Try to avoid most cones, mineral oils, parabens, SLS etc....:yep:

If you got a good stash of Products from your Natcha Days, you should be fine.:yep:

DD, pull all the stuff out you were using for your Natural Hair and get busy!:lol:

Try to avoid most cones, mineral oils, parabens, SLS etc....:yep:

If you got a good stash of Products from your Natcha Days, you should be fine.:yep:

It's kind of funny. My relaxed hair looks natural. I should just treat it as such.:look: I have no breakage, but a scalp that itches like crazy.:rolleyes: I think it is because I used sulfate shampoo to neutralize my relaxer and washed my hair with it afterwards.

Sounds good. I think I read you Tex-laxed. A Happy Medium.

Yeah, you should be able to use all your Natural/Handmades successfully on your New Doo.

Just keep your Protein & Moisture Balanced and you should be fine.

I know you're going to love it. You should be able to keep using your: QB, Afroveda and whatever else you were using.

To soothe my scalp and prevent scabs after a relaxer I do an acv rinse after relaxing. I find silicones in products make my scalp itch and extremely flaking. Since I stopped using shampoos with silicones and only apply conditioner to the lengths of my hair avoiding the scalp I have seen a dramatic difference. Hard water deposits like calcium also leave my hair and scalp dry so a shower filter really helps along with the other tips I've mentioned.

Good luck x

To soothe my scalp and prevent scabs after a relaxer I do an acv rinse after relaxing. I find silicones in products make my scalp itch and extremely flaking. Since I stopped using shampoos with silicones and only apply conditioner to the lengths of my hair avoiding the scalp I have seen a dramatic difference. Hard water deposits like calcium also leave my hair and scalp dry so a shower filter really helps along with the other tips I've mentioned.

Good luck x

I didn't burn. In fact, the relaxer was mild and I thought my hair was strait. It ended up texlaxed.:lol: How do you know if a silicone is in your product? I am not a product watcher, so can you please help with a shampoo recommendation?
I once had terrible dry/itchy scalp after a relaxer and Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Scalp Treatment worked can get the knockoff at Sally's.

However it turned out that it wasn't the relaxer that did my scalp wrong but sitting under the hot dryer with that hot air on my scalp during my rollerset. Now I'll only rollerset with the biggest rollers that shield my scalp from the hellish heat of the dryer and i haven't had the dry scalp issue since.
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Ive had dry itchy scalp ever since i had my 16 month old and Dr. Miracles grow oil and Paul mitchel tea tree oil shampoo helps
I can't believe you relaxed again, wow.

I just wanted to say don't put too much on your scalp soon after a relaxer. If you have a scab, use neosporin or a regular carrier oil. Wait at least a week to put essential oils on your scalp. Those things are so potent, almost medicinal. I use a pre-poo of conditioner with a few drops of essential oils whenever my scalp feels dry and/or itchy. I like to pre-poo so that I can rinse the product out. I don't like to use essential oils in products that will stay on my hair for too long.

Co-washing is great for my hair, but it causes product build-up on my scalp.

Honestly, after having tried everything from oils, to sulfur grease, to massages, etc, the only thing that worked for me was Selsun Blue Moisturizing Shampoo.

This product works wonders for my son's scalp. It's the only product that keeps him itch and flake-free for days.
DDTexlaxed you need to not do too much to your hair. You are relaxed again? What is your hair goal? Are you looking for health or length? If you are seeking both you need to be patient and stick to one thing for a while.

You have been here since 2004 and I have been since 2006 and I have never seen you get past jaw length. One week you are transitioning, one week you are natural, one week you are texlaxed, one week you BC, one week you a texturized, one week relaxed. Hair takes patience and dedication. Trying something new every 1 or three months is not helpful to your hair. You don't have to try every and anything you see others try. This is coming from a reformed PJ. I'm not going to give you advice on relaxed hair because I think you need to give your hair a break. I'm not saying this to be mean or malicious, but you have been here long enough to know what you should and should not be doing. At this point people should be coming to you for advice.

The only advice I can give you about hair care is, it wants to be : Washed, Moisturized, protected and left the heck alone. If you ask any person with shoulder length to ankle length hair that is what they would tell you. Starting these threads is futile if you are not patient. I wish you luck. This is coming from a good place.
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Lmao at I've never seen you past jaw length. :rofl:

DD I think you should get braids for a while. Just to keep your hands out of your head.

Sent from my iPhone 4s
When I was natural, I had a flaky scalp problem . I washed my hair 1x every 2 weeks.... ... Since I relaxed, I've been cowashing and DC'ing more often (2x a week) and the scalp issue is gone.

If this helps, I avoid ALL common toxic ingredients (except fragrance) and avoid all cones.

i hate to say it but i'm in agreement with Tamrin. pull out your afroveda and other natural based stuff and work on being low manipulation. i think braids are a great idea. if you are having styling challenges set aside a budget to go a salon on a regular basis, everyone can't be a do-it-yourself'er. i have noticed in my time on this board, you have complained about styling issues no matter what route you have chosen.

what is your diet like? lots of water is important and omega 3's from chia seeds, hemp, fish, and flax are good sources. eat lots of salads, lean proteins,green smoothies, and steamed veggies. these will also help your weight loss journey.

i hate to say it but i'm in agreement with Tamrin. pull out your afroveda and other natural based stuff and work on being low manipulation. i think braids are a great idea. if you are having styling challenges set aside a budget to go a salon on a regular basis, everyone can't be a do-it-yourself'er. i have noticed in my time on this board, you have complained about styling issues no matter what route you have chosen.

what is your diet like? lots of water is important and omega 3's from chia seeds, hemp, fish, and flax are good sources. eat lots of salads, lean proteins,green smoothies, and steamed veggies. these will also help your weight loss journey.

I agree with southerncitygirl
Everything listed by her is helpful in healthy hair and body. One most important thing exercise.
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