Relaxed: Airdrying Without Setting


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Do any relaxed heads out there do a wash and go comb through with oils/lotions, etc, and then just let the hair air dry without doing any type of setting?

Right now I air dry in a roller set, which is great! But it also can be time consuming depending on how late you start or what you have to do that day.

I have tried airdrying without rollersetting, but that was bad news. The hair was very wavy, and didn't dry correctly. Overall, the hair ends up dry and unruly.

My ends still have a lot of damage from heat, so I know that my hair will never air dry 100% correctly as long as the damaged ends still remain.

However, I look forward to one day washing, oiling, moisturizing, and then rolling out and letting my hair air dry in half the time. Is this just a fantasy? Or has someone out there made it work?
pyxis777 said:
Hey Ladies,

Do any relaxed heads out there do a wash and go comb through with oils/lotions, etc, and then just let the hair air dry without doing any type of setting?

Right now I air dry in a roller set, which is great! But it also can be time consuming depending on how late you start or what you have to do that day.

I have tried airdrying without rollersetting, but that was bad news. The hair was very wavy, and didn't dry correctly. Overall, the hair ends up dry and unruly.

My ends still have a lot of damage from heat, so I know that my hair will never air dry 100% correctly as long as the damaged ends still remain.

However, I look forward to one day washing, oiling, moisturizing, and then rolling out and letting my hair air dry in half the time. Is this just a fantasy? Or has someone out there made it work?

I do! I wash, put my hair in a smooth bun and let it air dry. I take it out when it about 90% dry and finish letting it dry. My hair is straight and smooth and I can wear it down. I am 4a/b relaxed. People always think I use heat and are surprised when I tell them I don't!.
zoj2 said:
I do! I wash, put my hair in a smooth bun and let it air dry. I take it out when it about 90% dry and finish letting it dry. My hair is straight and smooth and I can wear it down. I am 4a/b relaxed. People always think I use heat and are surprised when I tell them I don't!.

DITTO. Most often I just leave it in a bun that first 24 hours after washing so that its totally dry when I take down -- smooth and bouncy without heat and I can actually go out immediately after washing, if necessary -- just add a couple of chopsticks to my wet bun and go . . .
No, I would be happy to put it up in a bun - you can't exactly go out to the store with curlers in your head! :)

What is your after wash regimine? What do you use as a leave in, moisturizer, and or oil?
zoj2 said:
I do! I wash, put my hair in a smooth bun and let it air dry. I take it out when it about 90% dry and finish letting it dry. My hair is straight and smooth and I can wear it down. I am 4a/b relaxed. People always think I use heat and are surprised when I tell them I don't.

Neroli said:
DITTO. Most often I just leave it in a bun that first 24 hours after washing so that its totally dry when I take down -- smooth and bouncy without heat and I can actually go out immediately after washing, if necessary -- just add a couple of chopsticks to my wet bun and go . . .
Neroli - I would love to try this but are you saying it take 24 hours to dry in a bun? Also, is there a particular reason why you are choosing to airdry this way rather than airdrying in rollersets as before? I'm not being nosy, this sounds fascinating!:)

Zoj2 - Is your hair relaxed straight? I'm wondering if that makes a difference when you airdry 90% in a bun and let your hair finish drying loose.
Isis said:

Neroli - I would love to try this but are you saying it take 24 hours to dry in a bun? Also, is there a particular reason why you are choosing to airdry this way rather than airdrying in rollersets as before? I'm not being nosy, this sounds fascinating!:)

Zoj2 - Is your hair relaxed straight? I'm wondering if that makes a difference when you airdry 90% in a bun and let your hair finish drying loose.

Hey Isis, -- I leave it in 24 hours 'cause I'm just lazy! It takes about 12 - 14 hours for my to dry completely, depending on how much and what leave ins I use. I haven't done rollersets in months 'cause I found that the "bun dry" gives me the same smooth bouncy look without the extra work and really save time. Also, when I'm weeks post touch and new growth is thick, bun drying helps cut down on manipulation and shedding on wash days. I'll probably always do rollersets for those extra special occasions, but for every day maintenance, bun dry is only way for me now . . .

Be nosy all you want, Lord knows I've learned a lot from you and the other lovely ladies on this board . . .
pyxis777 said:
No, I would be happy to put it up in a bun - you can't exactly go out to the store with curlers in your head! :)

What is your after wash regimine? What do you use as a leave in, moisturizer, and or oil?

I am a nexxus junkie and my usual routine is:

1. 'poo with nexxus thrappe
2. ACV rinse
2. condish with nexxus humectress (I detangle while hair is saturated with condish) If deep condishing, cover with plastic cap and leave for as long as possible, with or without heat.
3. rinse thoroughly and towel/squeeze dry.
4. apply nexxus headdress followed with my current oil of choice (jojoba, castor, nexxus botanic oil, avacado, etc.).
5. using a wide-tooth comb, smooth hair into bun -- I hold hair with one hand and wrap around with the other, alternating hand round and round, keeping hair smooth and sleek, using more oil on the ends as I finish the bun. I secure with 'couple of good day hair pins and tie down tight with a satin or silk scarf. If I HAVE to go out somewhere, I just remove the scarf and go.
6. when completely dry, take down the bun and hair is moisturized, smooth, straight and bouncy. I just finger comb and go. I usually sleep in loose bun with a silk or satin scarf -- in the morning, finger comb and go. It's like the most liberating experience with my hair -- easy to wash and go, no heat and looks great and healthy!
My hair is relaxed, but the middle to back is texturizd and the top is bone straight (or close to), and that definetely helps with air drying straight. I have a friend whose hair is relaxed bone straight but she cannot air dry, it will look a mess, so I guess it all depends.

All I do is shampoo (Therappe or Pantene R & N), deep condition (Humectress or ORS pak dryer 20 min) leave-in (Pantene,) moisturize (MTG, mango butter, or Optimum, but not all together) slick into a sleek bun and twist the ends and secure them under a soft thick scrunchie. I only use big scrunchies so I don't have any dents. If it is before I go to bed, I will just wear a scarf over it. Et voila!

ETA: the pics in my album are airdried using the procedure above (no heat at all)
Thank you for the replies!

If someone has pictures of these air drying buns, I would really appreciate it. zoj2 - your hair looks amazing! And no heat! I would never have guessed. I've been heat "free" (sometimes I turn the blow dryer on my roller sets for a few min to speed up the process) since I relaxed in Jaunary for the first time in 2 years.

Neroli, do you have pictures too?

My hair is not nearly long enough to have an "around and around" bun. I barely make an "around." One day... Lord willing...;)

I would like to try this bun dry technique, but I may wait until I have cut off all of the heat damaged ends and my hair is a little longer. No rollersets would equal total freedom for me!

Pictures please!
pyxis777 said:
Thank you for the replies!

If someone has pictures of these air drying buns, I would really appreciate it. zoj2 - your hair looks amazing! And no heat! I would never have guessed. I've been heat "free" (sometimes I turn the blow dryer on my roller sets for a few min to speed up the process) since I relaxed in Jaunary for the first time in 2 years.

Neroli, do you have pictures too?

My hair is not nearly long enough to have an "around and around" bun. I barely make an "around." One day... Lord willing...;)

I would like to try this bun dry technique, but I may wait until I have cut off all of the heat damaged ends and my hair is a little longer. No rollersets would equal total freedom for me!

Pictures please!

I don't have any photos . . . .

By the way, whenever I rollerset, I speed up my dry time by using the *cool* setting on my hood dryer -- no heat, it takes like 3 hours to dry on cool but that's still better than the 12 - 14 hours air drying. If you have a hood dryer with cool setting, give it try until your hair grows out or just start out with a tinsy bun for now!
That's what I always do because I can't rollerset.

you just have to make sure your hair is oiled very well. I use Giovanni Direct leave in, Rusk Smoother, Motions oil moisturizer on wet hair, then i do a single loose braid down my back and it dries pretty quickly, IMO. sometimes i'll put a slik scarf on so that it can absorb the water faster.

Hair comes out a little wavy, mostly straight. I dont wear it down just because i like it sleeker when it's down. So, i just have it in a ponytail or a bun after.
Yeah, oil helps a lot. I'm loving the way my hair feels when it's air-dried now. :yep: Oh, and I also can't rollerset to save my life. But I hope that will change with more practice and help from some ladies here.
pyxis777 said:
Thank you for the replies!

If someone has pictures of these air drying buns, I would really appreciate it. zoj2 - your hair looks amazing! And no heat! I would never have guessed. I've been heat "free" (sometimes I turn the blow dryer on my roller sets for a few min to speed up the process) since I relaxed in Jaunary for the first time in 2 years.

Neroli, do you have pictures too?

My hair is not nearly long enough to have an "around and around" bun. I barely make an "around." One day... Lord willing...;)

I would like to try this bun dry technique, but I may wait until I have cut off all of the heat damaged ends and my hair is a little longer. No rollersets would equal total freedom for me!

Pictures please!

Thanks for the compliment, but gurl your hair is beautiful!
zoj2 said:
My hair is relaxed, but the middle to back is texturizd and the top is bone straight (or close to), and that definetely helps with air drying straight. I have a friend whose hair is relaxed bone straight but she cannot air dry, it will look a mess, so I guess it all depends.

All I do is shampoo (Therappe or Pantene R & N), deep condition (Humectress or ORS pak dryer 20 min) leave-in (Pantene,) moisturize (MTG, mango butter, or Optimum, but not all together) slick into a sleek bun and twist the ends and secure them under a soft thick scrunchie. I only use big scrunchies so I don't have any dents. If it is before I go to bed, I will just wear a scarf over it. Et voila!

ETA: the pics in my album are airdried using the procedure above (no heat at all)

that`s very impressive:yep:
I don`t use any heat but have yet failed to achieve this straight look
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I am just popping in on this thread to say that it's so funny that when I was relaxed during the summer months especially, I used to wash my hair and bun it and later in the day I'd take it out and be like hmmm, it's dry and it looks like i curled it (pretty much set) from the pony. The ignorance and genius all happening at once long before i discoverd lhcf. Airdrying is definitely the best thing...EVER!
I normally do airdry buns, ladies , ( I'm a BIG PJ ) but usually MNT conditioner is the leave in with Motion lotion # 9 oil .I use the lil round shampoo scrub brush to slick hair down and back( sometime its wavy depending on new growth) if to wavy I may have to do the no no and hit it w/ the boars brush then ponytail in either soft bands w/o metal and twist and tuck ends. Sometimes I pull it back into a ponytail w/o band, twist all way to end and make a bun knot( that a way my hair wont get tangled in band, tie down w/ satin scarf and if it was done @ night by morning it's dry except the tail maybe lil damp. ( Since hair cut )I've been using NTM silk touch leave-in on dry hair( thanks LHCF Ladies) and add lil #9 oil and don't twist bun ,just take it under and tuck ends under(hope this makes since). The first day maybe lil wavy, but straightens out more as days go by and with the NTM and oil.
Well that's my cents on that. Good Luck!
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I have tried this but the hair that was in the bun portion was never str8 to the point I did not have to use heat and could just go. But the slicked back portion was.

What do you do with the frizzy ends in the bun?
Thank you everyone for your replies! And zoj2, thank you for your compliement, but I have a ways to go! :)

I am going to try this bun technique this weekend and see how I do. I have tried just airdrying my hair by leaving it hanging out with disasterous results. The ends get all tangled, wavy, and look very raggedy.

Granted, I haven't tried it post LHCF, so maybe it will work with the products and tools that I have now. I'll make that a project for after my next relaxer in a few weeks.

Sassy hair said:
What do you do with the frizzy ends in the bun? This seems to be the crucial part, and also what do you do with the frizzy ends if you airdry loose?

Or do you ladies who do this already have healthy ends?
Neroli said:
5. using a wide-tooth comb, smooth hair into bun -- I hold hair with one hand and wrap around with the other, alternating hand round and round, keeping hair smooth and sleek, using more oil on the ends as I finish the bun. I secure with 'couple of good day hair pins and tie down tight with a satin or silk scarf. If I HAVE to go out somewhere, I just remove the scarf and go.
6. when completely dry, take down the bun and hair is moisturized, smooth, straight and bouncy. I just finger comb and go. I usually sleep in loose bun with a silk or satin scarf -- in the morning, finger comb and go. It's like the most liberating experience with my hair -- easy to wash and go, no heat and looks great and healthy!

This is me all day e'ry day! Only difference is if at this point (after its dried in a bun) I want curls I use my steam rollers, if I want wavy hair I braid up and wear a braid out the next day.
simplycee said:
Frizzy ends inside the bun? I add serum to my ends before I bun up. Just a little.

Maybe I should try that or would saturating it with something like leave-in work?
sassyhair said:
Maybe I should try that or would saturating it with something like leave-in work?

If my ends are frizzy/fuzzy, applying more products actually makes it worse! For super straight ends, once hair is completely dry, I take down the bun, add a lil' bit of oil to the ends and put in a *mohawk* with 4 or 5 extra large magnetic rollers for a couple of hours or overnight and that does the trick for me. A *mohawk* is rollers placed in center of head, front to back and its easy to sleep. I rarely do this though 'cause I'm so lazy I even LIKE my fuzzy ends . . .
Neroli said:
If my ends are frizzy/fuzzy, applying more products actually makes it worse! For super straight ends, once hair is completely dry, I take down the bun, add a lil' bit of oil to the ends and put in a *mohawk* with 4 or 5 extra large magnetic rollers for a couple of hours or overnight and that does the trick for me. A *mohawk* is rollers placed in center of head, front to back and its easy to sleep. I rarely do this though 'cause I'm so lazy I even LIKE my fuzzy ends . . .

My hair all over is not long enough for the mohawk technique.

Neroli said:
Hey Isis, -- I leave it in 24 hours 'cause I'm just lazy! It takes about 12 - 14 hours for my to dry completely, depending on how much and what leave ins I use. I haven't done rollersets in months 'cause I found that the "bun dry" gives me the same smooth bouncy look without the extra work and really save time. Also, when I'm weeks post touch and new growth is thick, bun drying helps cut down on manipulation and shedding on wash days. I'll probably always do rollersets for those extra special occasions, but for every day maintenance, bun dry is only way for me now . . .

Be nosy all you want, Lord knows I've learned a lot from you and the other lovely ladies on this board . . .
Thank you Neroli! This "bun dry" sounds really good!