
New Member
Okay as many of you know my stylist put Mild Affirm in my hair yesterday, which made it texturized - NOT STRAIGHT. But it's not even texturized, I don't know what it is. It looked OK yesterday but today I DON'T LIKE IT. She offered to put Affirm Regular in it next week for 10 minutes, since I usually relax for 30 - 40 minutes this won't be bad.

IS THAT GETTING A RELAXER TOO SOON? My hair DOESN'T look good, but I don't want to break it. She promised no breakage, and I trust her, because she isn't going to put it in very long. However, I want to know if nay of you have been in a similar situation or give me advice.

I'm not mad or anything because there's no way we would've known that Affirm Mild does NOTHING FOR MY HAIR, I've just come ALONG way and I don't want to mess my hair up. Please let me know what has happened to you guys or give me advice

It's WAY too soon. You might not have any hair left. Wait until your next relaxer is due and then have a corrective done.

She cannot promise "no breakage" either. Find a new stylist or self relax maybe?
SIGH. This is true. I realized this yesterday but I just got REALLY pissy at the fact that I was going for a straight look but now it's more wavy. Okay. I'll just get a free wash, protein treatment, and roller set/wrap next week. It'll fall straight by Monday. I'll RELAX 2nd week of April, at 10 weeks post. And since I'm doing mainly protective styles except for one week this month for the entire year, I'll be straight. I'll update album pics/growth then. No trim until September.

I know there's a reason for everything. So I'm calm now. Thanks for the support ladies.
Don't do it!! I had major breakage from puting a relaxer in to soon behind another one. Just wait it out!! Go to the dominicans and let them blow dry it straight, I'm sure that will work.
your post reminds me when i had my hair destroyed by affirm and a rubbish hair stylist, like an idiot i went back for a corrective 6 weeks later asnd i had soo much breakage...over three years i had to gradually cut my hair to remove damage, yes three years because i had so much length. Today, i'm shoulderlength and healthy, thank god i found a stylist and friend who knows what they're doing. MY ADVICE IS DO NOT RETURN FOR A CORRECTIVE
That reminds me of when I went to a stylist for Mizani. Mizani for some reason, REALLY REALLY messes me up! I had so much UNDERPROCESSED hair - it was awful! I had a big chop last January (barely reaching my shoulders) and sine then I've switched to Affirm. Affirm is VERY good with my hair but I NEED regular.

However since I'm growing my hair out to APL, maybe this mild is good and I'll just get a complete relaxer in April.

Thanks for the advice, I'm DEF. not going back. I think she feels really guilty because I've been going to her for about 3 years (ever since I left the Mizani crazy stylist) and my hair has THRIVED with her, but hey - everyone makes mistakes so life moves on. My hair isn't breaking and after I put some moisture in it today (4b = ALWAYS NEEDING MOISTURE), it's actually really nice.