re: allergic reaction to glue on scalp, URGENT


New Member
I've posted my story on here before about how I had a reaction to glue being put on my scalp 3 months ago. I think I had an allergic reaction. I've suffered severe pain since then and am confused about how to get pain-free. I got a perm last week, and for some reason the perm soothed my scalp and decreased the pain internally. I was wondering if anybody knew of anything medicated, etc. to soothe my scalp and heal my scalp internally. There has to be some type of product out there. I know I'm not the first person to have glue put on my scalp and have a reaction to it. Please help. thanks in advance.
I wish I could answer, but I've never had that problem. I know aloe and comfrey are supposed to be soothing and healing. Maybe you wanna try making a tea with the comfrey and bathe your scalp with it and put some aloe vera gel on your scalp as well. This is just my two cents.
They are both natural herbal ingredients. Comfrey will promote the healing and aloe is very soothing. Don't you notice it's always is sunburn stuff? Comfrey contains allantoin which is also good. Here are some links.
I would use it externally only.

Aloe Vera

I suggest you do some internet research as there's so much info out there. I just happen to have a lot of herb books.