Rave: Paltas & new products yardleys brilliante cream


New Member
I used the Shampoo, Conditioner and oil sofner

it all made my hair sooooo SOFT. SLS is the 2nd ingredient in the shampoo, but owell. It made my hair sooo soft and silky. After finishing with the oil i used this thing called Yardley's lavender brilliante cream. My grandad reccomended it to me, he use to use it when he was a teen in jamaica and said it grew hair in niceley, and how everyone uses it. I found it at one place and tried it, it also made my hair feel soft!, im sticking to all these products, ive found my regime and products! Well ladies if you dont mind the sls in the shampoo, the whole line is great!

the pictures of all the products including the yardleys oil is in my products folder: http://public.fotki.com/Crissi/products/
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