Random funny video: bride makes groom cry


New Member
This video is pretty old but reading the comment below while listening to the groom had me rolling!


The comment:

"if he dont stfu & stop that dammn cryn on national freakn TV:lachen:...please just let the TRICK go & move da hell on !!! Crying ova spilled milk is not worth it. I HOPE he didn't marry her."


"There's nothing wrong with a guy crying true enough, but he is beyond a PMS having, spineless jellyfish with a desperate need to change his pad! MAN UP to that egotictical nag hag! I'm a woman myself and I can't stand a man with no backbone."
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At least he's showing some emotion, she seems to be a heartless b*. She kept saying she does love him but I wouldn't believe it b/c her tone was fake. Who says they won't marry someone over them wanting to get to their destination on time? That's like when women in the heat of the moment tell men that their child isn't actually theirs. That's messed up and you don't say things like that unless you mean it. If I were him I'd be rethinking marrying her, seriously.