Random Christian thought's thread continued ...


Well-Known Member

Anyway, topsyturvy86, thanks for responding. I need to take a fresh look at speaking the word to the devil. :yep:

:hug3: -> topsyturvy86

Oh, topsy, if you can help me find this specific scripture I'd be so grateful.

The word says to quote the scripture to cause the devil to flee.
This is all I can find about the devil fleeing but it does not say he flees from speaking scripture to him but if we resist him.

Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

It says he flee's by resisting him. So how to we resist him? The passage in Ephesians 6 which I posted earlier talks about how we can stand against the wiles of the devil and therefore resist him. It says which should put on the whole amour of God; :knight:our only offensive weapon there being the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

I don't think there's a specific quote that says we should quote the scripture to the devil but in Ephesians 6, it implies so. The perfect example of how to resist the devil is Jesus's one. He used the word of God and the word only. My personal opinion is we need a firm grasp of the word in order to resist the evil one. He deceives by mixing the truth and lies to confuse and if we don't know the truth, we could get caught up.

Saying that just reminded me of Nice and Wavy's thread "name the lie ... insert the truth". :grin:
It says he flee's by resisting him. So how to we resist him? The passage in Ephesians 6 which I posted earlier talks about how we can stand against the wiles of the devil and therefore resist him. It says which should put on the whole amour of God; :knight:our only offensive weapon there being the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

I don't think there's a specific quote that says we should quote the scripture to the devil but in Ephesians 6, it implies so. The perfect example of how to resist the devil is Jesus's one. He used the word of God and the word only. My personal opinion is we need a firm grasp of the word in order to resist the evil one. He deceives by mixing the truth and lies to confuse and if we don't know the truth, we could get caught up.

Saying that just reminded me of Nice and Wavy's thread "name the lie ... insert the truth". :grin:


The devil tried to confuse the saints with flattering words, philosophies, human reasonings and purposely misusing the scriptures as he did with Eve in the Garden.

Jesus resisted the temptations of the devil by quoting the Word to him and the devil left Him alone. Only Jesus can defeat the devil and we have to use His Word to defeat the devil. It's the only thing that can stop satan from proceeding and being successful.
Topsy, I 'hear' what you are saying. I disagree with some of the statements by some in the other thread as the scriptures don't bear those statements out but TT I hear you.

I still have not found where the bible implicitly instructs believers to quote the word to the devil for any reason at anytime.

I will follow Jesus' example in Matthew. If Jesus did it, then it is good enough for me. As some of us know, the devil is already a defeated foe, we don't have to re-defeat him. I don't have a problem reminding him of that.

I guess that is why Eve failed, because she had no word to quote.

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How obsessed are you?

Do you have an intimate relationship with Jesus or are you merely lukewarm?
Do you read the Word all day or just 10 minutes when it is convenient for you?
How much of your money is spent on yourself?

How much of your money directed toward the kingdom of God?
How much of your time is dedicated to pursuing your life and your goals?
How much of your time is focused on God's work and purposes?
How much time to you spend in service toward your fellow person?

Guess what??? It's not even about you. It's all about Him!!!!

1 Corinthian 10:31 says, So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Just food for though. Please spend your energy in God's word instead of responding to this post. I'm not seeking a response. I want you in Christ seeking Him.

Be Blessed in Jesus
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I'm tired of trying, i'm tired of fighting, i'm tired of being positive and hanging in there, i'm tired of hoping, ... i'm just really tired :sad:
I'm tired of trying, i'm tired of fighting, i'm tired of being positive and hanging in there, i'm tired of hoping, ... i'm just really tired :sad:

Don't give up and do not quit. Try to get rooted in scripture(s) and claim God's promises for your life. Your breakthrough is on it's way.:yep:
WHY OH WHY...do people forget the fruits of the Spirit when trying to extend correction to others?

Why do people believe that if you're not in someone face about being a "proper" Christian then you're not being a Christian yourself?

Though we are called to preach the Gospel and follow Christ, we are not called to convict, condemn, or judge anyone. Thats the Holy Spirits place. YOU ARE NOT JESUS. Speak your peace (once preferrably) and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Thank you! :look: :D
Why can't I find the Blessed Sacrament? Every time I go, the monstrance is NOT there. Man! And why are the arks in this state placed way to the side of the altar? I don't get it!
Why do people feel that if people don't agree with what they do they are judging them? Why are their unyielding beliefs more Christian-like than someone elses opposing beliefs?
WHY OH WHY...do people forget the fruits of the Spirit when trying to extend correction to others?

Why do people believe that if you're not in someone face about being a "proper" Christian then you're not being a Christian yourself?

Though we are called to preach the Gospel and follow Christ, we are not called to convict, condemn, or judge anyone. Thats the Holy Spirits place. YOU ARE NOT JESUS. Speak your peace (once preferrably) and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Thank you! :look: :D

ITA! I believe we are to plant the seed or water the seed and keep it movin. The Holy Spirit can accomplish so much more and Jesus is the only One that can reach the depth of a person's soul. I don't have time or the energy to go tit for tat....I'd rather make room for Jesus to come on in!
Yesterday afternoon, a classmate of my eldest son died from a drug overdose. She was 16 years old. I assumed that everyone knew that taking prescription drugs prescribed for someone else was dangerous, but I guess not. As sad as this is for her classmates and siblings, this is an even bigger tragedy for her parents. She will never graduate from high school, never attend college, never marry and have children... LORD, what parent wants to bury their own child? My heart is so heavy this morning, for everyone directly affected by her death. It's always so sad to see the young grieve and have to come face to face with the possibility of their own mortality. Death knows no age, no race, no titles.

Thank GOD for JESUS.
Yesterday afternoon, a classmate of my eldest son died from a drug overdose. She was 16 years old. I assumed that everyone knew that taking prescription drugs prescribed for someone else was dangerous, but I guess not. As sad as this is for her classmates and siblings, this is an even bigger tragedy for her parents. She will never graduate from high school, never attend college, never marry and have children... LORD, what parent wants to bury their own child? My heart is so heavy this morning, for everyone directly affected by her death. It's always so sad to see the young grieve and have to come face to face with the possibility of their own mortality. Death knows no age, no race, no titles.

Thank GOD for JESUS.

Dear G-d, I'm praying for you and their family. That's tough. My son lost 5 classmates/friends within 1.5 years (from illness or accidents). It's so hard on these little ones.
WHY OH WHY...do people forget the fruits of the Spirit when trying to extend correction to others?

Why do people believe that if you're not in someone face about being a "proper" Christian then you're not being a Christian yourself?

Though we are called to preach the Gospel and follow Christ, we are not called to convict, condemn, or judge anyone. Thats the Holy Spirits place. YOU ARE NOT JESUS. Speak your peace (once preferrably) and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Thank you! :look: :D

Sis...its the trivial things that can be some of the greatest spiritual obstacles in the believers walk (I just preached this on Sunday).:yep:

I'm a true believer in "don't own something that doesn't belong to you."
Some people just don't understand that though, their idea of sharing the gospel is :hardslap:...literally.

You are a cherished child to the Lord. Keep your head lifted high and know that you are highly favored of the Lord!

Yesterday afternoon, a classmate of my eldest son died from a drug overdose. She was 16 years old. I assumed that everyone knew that taking prescription drugs prescribed for someone else was dangerous, but I guess not. As sad as this is for her classmates and siblings, this is an even bigger tragedy for her parents. She will never graduate from high school, never attend college, never marry and have children... LORD, what parent wants to bury their own child? My heart is so heavy this morning, for everyone directly affected by her death. It's always so sad to see the young grieve and have to come face to face with the possibility of their own mortality. Death knows no age, no race, no titles.

Thank GOD for JESUS.

I'm so sorry about this, Pebbles. It's a tragic thing that has happened to this family. My heart goes out to all of the family and for you as well.

You are in my prayers.
ITA! I believe we are to plant the seed or water the seed and keep it movin. The Holy Spirit can accomplish so much more and Jesus is the only One that can reach the depth of a person's soul. I don't have time or the energy to go tit for tat....I'd rather make room for Jesus to come on in!
I like that...making room for Jesus to come on in....:grin:
*note* if I don't want people in my bedroom don't drag my bed to the middle of a public forum and cry foul because someone believes otherwise.
Why do you come in late, choose a seat in the middle of the row and then hit everyone upside the head with your purse as you walk to your seat and don't say excuse me, sis/bro? It took a minute to get my twist-out just right. :ohwell:
Some of *us* need to stop blocking and/or hating on other people's blessings. So what Sheila got her blessing even though she was doing xyz? Let her have that.

Stop squashing folk's spirits. It's ok for others to be happy.

My goodness. :nono:
If someone doesn't have a church home, where do they pay their tithes? Should they just set it aside until they find a church home? Or use it to do good works like buying clothes/food for the needy?

I think my critical and logical thinking skills combined with my curious/questioning nature are a hindrance in my walk with yahvah and my ability to have total faith.
Yesterday afternoon, a classmate of my eldest son died from a drug overdose. She was 16 years old. I assumed that everyone knew that taking prescription drugs prescribed for someone else was dangerous, but I guess not. As sad as this is for her classmates and siblings, this is an even bigger tragedy for her parents. She will never graduate from high school, never attend college, never marry and have children... LORD, what parent wants to bury their own child? My heart is so heavy this morning, for everyone directly affected by her death. It's always so sad to see the young grieve and have to come face to face with the possibility of their own mortality. Death knows no age, no race, no titles.

Thank GOD for JESUS.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I pray the peace of God which surpasses all understanding to en'velope your heart, your son's heart and the hearts of this little girl's parents and those who knew and love her still.

A little girl she is... snatched from this life and I pray into the new life with Jesus in Heaven.

Blessings Precious Pebs... :kiss:
Why do you come in late, choose a seat in the middle of the row and then hit everyone upside the head with your purse as you walk to your seat and don't say excuse me, sis/bro?

It took a minute to get my twist-out just right. :ohwell:

:lachen: @ "upside the head"... :lachen:

It's so true though. 5stars, I have a whole volume of these pet peeves.

Such as, why are 'they' having a conversation with someone next to or behind them during praise and worship or when Pastor is speaking. OR.... talk across me to the person sitting on the other side of me, during prayer or when Pastor is speaking or when the Psalmist is ministering.

And don't tap me on my arm to get my attention just to ask me for a pen or for the time. It's just rude. Stay in the Ladies Room with that mess.

Girl, this is worse than the flat shoes you hate... :lol:
WHY OH WHY...do people forget the fruits of the Spirit when trying to extend correction to others?

Why do people believe that if you're not in someone face about being a "proper" Christian then you're not being a Christian yourself?

Though we are called to preach the Gospel and follow Christ, we are not called to convict, condemn, or judge anyone. Thats the Holy Spirits place. YOU ARE NOT JESUS. Speak your peace (once preferrably) and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Thank you! :look: :D
Hey "PrettyFace".....

Know what?

In spite of and in the midst of it all,

God calls you, Friend :love2:
Thank-you, ladies, for your prayers. Yesterday was a tough day. You know how it is, your children cry and your heart bleeds. That young girls' family is having a very hard time and they can use all the prayers they can get.
Thank-you, ladies, for your prayers. Yesterday was a tough day. You know how it is, your children cry and your heart bleeds. That young girls' family is having a very hard time and they can use all the prayers they can get.
You are welcome, Pebbles. I totally understand the pain.

Luv you!