'Rainbowcurls' is BACK!


New Member
Now, I'm pretty inactive on the forum these days, so if you don't know, I used to dye my hair all sorts of colours (hence the username), then dyed it black, then hennaed it. Then got bored with hair.

Then last week the day before my 28th birthday I gave in to my craving.
and a (90 minute!) bleach & dye later.....


Woop woop!
I'm so happy again!

It's just a chunk at the front so not jeopardising my long term hair growing goals, and can be combed over for job interviews and such to look 'respectable' haha.
But can also wear it in a nice 50s style quiff thing.

It was supposed to be pink but 4 layers of henna made my hair super orange so it's gone red... which is cool too...

Wasn't going to post until I updated my blog, but that's clearly not going to happen any time soon :lol:
I noticed you were back! I missed seeing those wild colors of yours! :laugh:
It's amazing that your hair is still in great shape. I would be bald. :look:
Very Vibrant and pretty! :) Do you have certain products you use to keep the color from fading and does the color throw off your protein/moisture balance?
Thanks all :)

I've been 'back' for a while, I mean, I'm back in the sense of legitamately being able to use my username now though :lol:

january noir, I had some bad hair times... breakage etc... but that was due to neglect really, it has recovered now! I don't think bleach is all that bad.... tbh, my hair handles bleach a lot better than it handled relaxers...

Bettina, fading is one the the reasons I gave up with the colour in the first place, soooo much hassle and upkeep! It'll fade around my hairline just from washing my face :ohwell:
So... no, I don't know how to stop fading! I think the best thing to do is get better quality dyes (Directions, UK or Special Effects, US) but I don't usually mind it fading as it means I can try something else ;)
The protein/moisture balance is a bit thrown off. These days I do protein treatments about 3 times a year! (don't really need it) When I was bleached before though I really should have done them once or twice a fortnight though, and when I stopped (and flat ironed my hair a few times), I got breakage. I have vowed to myself not to get lazy this time though!
Welcome back!

I love your hair, love the colors, and love the blog. I found it when I first found LHCF and have read it several times. I am a reformed dye user!
Hey, it's great to see you back on here! Ironically, I thought about you the other day and wondered whatever happened to you.

Your hair is still as beautiful as ever.
Love it! Since I finally got enough length and know how to keep my hair moisturized Ive been experiementing with color. Glad to see that it can be done without sacrificing the health of your hair.
Ok as I'm looking at the picture I'm thinking this must be a professionals photo or something that she's showing us.

So, I start to read down and realize that you did this yourself.

It looks great!