Rainbow Curls...I am calling you out!


New Member
I have to give her props!

If you haven't seen the new pic in her siggy, take a look....it will take your breath away. :eek:

Girl, that is a head of beautiful hair! Shiny, healthy, gorgeous. Way to go!

But I do miss the color! lol!
Thanks WomanlyCharm! I'm missing the colour too though :(

I had a bad root-bleaching job done so it was looking messy as it faded (3 different shades of green, and some yellow).

So... I thought I'd dye a section at the top black to hide the roots, and the rest of the bleached part blue.

But the blue didn't take all that well, and the black ran into the bleached section.... doh! So it's mostly black with random blue/green/purple streaks! And the colours aren't very vibrant :(

So, I thought I'd flat iron it to see if it looked better. It did, but I'm really missing colour (and curls!) now, and it's only been 3 days!
BTW... you can tell by the kinks at the back (in the pic) how I got lazy/tired while straightening and started taking bigger chunks :lol:

This weekend I will be trying this [thread=114541]honey/conditioner concoction[/thread]. Possibly a few times. Then wearing a bandana (I don't care if it's winter!) and fading my hair until it's light enough to dye again. :)
I really like your hair also. I hate it's boring to you but it looks really pretty.
Thanks Letitia. It's not so much that it's boring, it just doesn't seem to suit me. I'll look in the mirror and it'll seem like something is missing. Which is weird, because with bright coloured hair I'll look in the mirror and have to change my outfit because something doesn't go with my hair.
I thought I'd be glad of more 'normal' hair, but I'm not.

Thanks Ambitious1013. I think you are one of the the best examples of healthy coloured hair on the board! Your progress has been great!
I bleached the top section so colours would take.
Then I dye over it with temporary dyes. My favourite brand is 'Crazy Colour'. Ultra cheap (£1.99), vibrant colours that don't damage my hair and come in any colour under the rainbow.

But... sometime they don't fade as fast as I'd like them to.
RainbowCurls said:
Thanks Ambitious1013. I think you are one of the the best examples of healthy coloured hair on the board! Your progress has been great!
Aww! Thank you so much for the kind words RainbowCurls! :)
But I do miss the color! lol!

Mee toooo!!! I thought I was the only one who noticed her colorless siggy!!

Rainbow curls you know you are my color inspiration. I know you'll be glad to get those colors back.
Thanks everyone!
I was so relieved to get rid of the black/red. The same kind of relief I felt when I took my braids out... not sure what it is really.
It's blondish and black at the moment, which is ok, but not great.
I have to go to the hairdressers to get my roots bleached so am not doing any dyeing til then. I'm putting it off though, I hate going to the hairdresser's.