Quick Weave Pictorial with Boh Braz! [Very Pic Heavy]


Well-Known Member
I have been using this method for about a month and a half and I am in love!
I have the convenience of a wig, in that, I can take it off and moisturize
my hair or simply switch up my style at will. I also still have the
blending benefits of a weave, which I personally prefer.

I recently discovered that the youtube information for the quickweave
has been removed so that the original poster could persue a business venture.
Kudos to her :) I benefited from the videos while they were posted and I
wanted to share with the ladies of LHCF!

I created a little pictorial to show how the quickweave is contructed and
how I apply it.

First a brief description of how I made the quickweave:

-1st I Sealed the hair using dritz fray check
-I sewed my hair into beehive and left out my normal U-shaped part.
-I placed the cap over my head and began to sew in the same manner
I would my usual install.
-With each row I used single stitches to get the placement of the track just right
then I would remove the cap place on my foam head and sew the track down securely.

-I sewed the the hair around on the mesh cap to align with
the part I created.
-I made sure to really reinforce the stitches around the U.
and I then cut out the remaining mesh.
-I sealed the mesh and stitches around the part with dritz fray check

-In the opening of the U-part I used the clear fishing line to bridge
the gap created by cutting the part out.
-The fishing line lies flush with your
scalp and make for easy application and removal. and is pretty much undetectable

Enjoy the pitchas/Pictorial! This is my first one so if I am unclear let me know I hope I dont confuse anyone

I also have a LHCF abulm dedicated to the quickweave system:

quick weave 1-you can see the fishing line against my hand

quick weave 2- foam head (decorated by a 10 year old)

quick weave 3- back of the weave

quick weave 4- back/top

quick weave 5- be hive with wet leave out hair


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uick weave 6- I flat twisted my leave out hair while wet
with Kinky Curly (any leave in can be used)

quick weave 7- the next morning I removed my scarf. My edge have laid down and my hair is dry

quick weave 8-undo flat twist and apply quickweave. Use a rat tail comb to create a part where
the fishing line falls

quick weave 9- part created and hair is separated

quick weave 10- pull hair that was separated through the U-part behind the fishing line


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quick weave 11- apply quick weave and set the fishing line in the part.

quick weave 12- cover part with leave out hair, like you would do with any weave

quick weave 13- Voila!hair is done

quick weave 14- closer view, notice the fishing line is undetectable from a distance

quick weave 15- even closer! I wanted to show how the line lays on the scalp


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quick weave 16- side view

quick weave 17- back view, showing blend

quick weave 18- Back/ top view...blends nicely :)

quick weave 19- thumbs up! I love it :)

quick weave 20- pic in natural light to show color and texture.
It is a 1 which was too dark for me. So I added 1b hair from my last install at the top.
*Notice that the fishing line is not visible! :)


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Bump! I finally got all the attachments added :)....sheesh! this new system takes a little getting used too
Wow! It looks nice. And even with all your details, I still don't think i could do it myself. Sigh.

awww hun its not that hard! but I at least want to get the info out there so some1 can try....The info helped me and it sucks that it was pulled. Cuz im a diva on a budget so I love to capitalize on free info and I will start a DIY project in a hearbeat if I know I can save a buck or two.

Thanks... I hope I did was just hoping I this right lol and that it was clear to other ppl besides me :)
Yes! This is exactly what I want to do, make my own halfwig with some Bobraz. Looks great!

Try it! I am sure you will love it! the hair is great and lasted a long time... with this method I put less wear and tear on the weave and on my hair and my scalp, its the best of both worlds
Thank you sooo much!!! Just yesterday, I was disappointed that she (ummm, HE???) took it down, so i was trying to remember what he did! Much appreciated!
What a great pictorial ppg! Thanks so much for showing how you did it. It looks great on you. You get the look of a sew in, but you get to care for your own hair- very cool.

I am thinking about doing something similar with a half wig, and clip ins around the leave out. I will post pict if I do.
I love it! It looks really natural. Question, though...the fishing line won't ruin your hair? Does it rub against your scalp or cause any other discomfort or problems?
What a great pictorial ppg! Thanks so much for showing how you did it. It looks great on you. You get the look of a sew in, but you get to care for your own hair- very cool.

I am thinking about doing something similar with a half wig, and clip ins around the leave out. I will post pict if I do.

I hope you do get around to it! and be sure to post pics :) I wanna see!

I love it! It looks really natural. Question, though...the fishing line won't ruin your hair? Does it rub against your scalp or cause any other discomfort or problems?

I havent noticed any breakage as a result of having the line... it is not tight.

I did have to redo my original attachment after the first day. I had sewn the line in where the knots were pointing down on my scalp. I just re-did that and I found no issue after that.

Now I plan to make another with out the line in a month. My theory is to reinforce the U with a wire to see if that will hold.

how much hair did you use for this wig? Looks very nice!

I used 1 pack of hair.... but keep in mind that I have a tiny "child like" head lol
I do not have a webcam. I will either borrow a friends or I could possibly do some short video clips w/pics and edit them together. I just made one with "His and Hers" cuticle kinky straight and finished it without the fishing line. and it came out better than the first IMO

I plan to make another with some sensationnell goddess Remy I have lying around. I never kept the hair in longer than a week because it is too straight but it would be nice to through in rotation when I want to go out with the girls...I digress... lol

But I have no problem creating a visual. I will try to arrange this in the coming week or so for you.