Quick Questions For Baggers! I am Confused!


New Member
I don't know if this has been posted or not, but I am confused, Okay I thought we would put the Plastic cap on first and then tie the Satin scarf on, then I read we put the Satin scarf on and then the Plastic cap:confused: so this means I have been doing it wrong? If someone could direct me in the right place I would appreciate it. :lol:
i put on the plastic bag than the satin scarf...other wise all that stuff we be absorbed by the scarf...
That is what I have been doing but in the 3 month challenge I read that they are scarfing first then plastic capping. I wanna do it the way DarkEmpress done hers.
SSBD said:
i put on the plastic bag than the satin scarf...other wise all that stuff we be absorbed by the scarf...

I agree:) I guess it would work either way, or there is no right or wrong way. I have to do the whole head:)
Do it the best way for your hair.

BTW my braid came out so hot today, after being baggied overnight. This board seriously has my hair looking like a million bucks.
OnAHairQuest said:
Do it the best way for your hair.

BTW my braid came out so hot today, after being baggied overnight. This board seriously has my hair looking like a million bucks.

I would love to see that Hot Braid out:) I bet it was looking good:)

Okay so either way your hair will do just fine as long as the moisture stays in. Okay then I will Continue to do it the way I have been doing it, Thanks Ladies!

I am sorry if this has been asked already:(
OnAHairQuest said:
Do it the best way for your hair.

BTW my braid came out so hot today, after being baggied overnight. This board seriously has my hair looking like a million bucks.

Interesting. I've been doing the whole head baggy for a while now. I never did it when I was wearing braids. For some reason I thought my regular hair would look freezy with the braids if I did that. If I decide to wear braids again, I would definetely keep baggying.
Keen said:
Interesting. I've been doing the whole head baggy for a while now. I never did it when I was wearing braids. For some reason I thought my regular hair would look freezy with the braids if I did that. If I decide to wear braids again, I would definetely keep baggying.
I baggied with Elasta QP moisturizing spray and then ran Frizz Ease over my braids and spraid with olive oil sheen, then placed the baggy on. Squeezed out all of the air and placed my bonnet on.