Quick question...


New Member
When you sew in weaves, do you take the thread and loop it around your cornrow and around the weft of the false hair, or do you sew the needle into the weft, and then around your cornrow? So in other words, does the needle go into the weft or around it?

When I have done weave in the past I sewed around the weft and the cornrow. Taking it through the weft would be to hard and time consuming. You do have to make sure you are consistant with the sewing and make sure you knot the thread off tight so it won't slip loose.
My stylist usually sews the thread through the cornrows and then attaches the weft using the 'base' she made in my cornrows. Does that make any sense? You've got me thinking I should try to do my own weave. The Lord knows I 've watched it done enough. But I think she does it this way so that she can tighten/ freshen up tracks without putting stress on your actual hair.
Very smart of her. Sounds like a little extra work but hey that's what you are paying her for! I have done my own before and found it easier to just sew it the way I stated before. Once your hair starts growing it is gonna loosen up anyway. But now that I think about it, are you saying that she takes the thread through the actual cornrow of hair and attached the weft to the thread in th cornrow. Sounds to me either way it is done there is going to be some stress.
well there is some stress for the first day or so and then it's gone. I wear curly weaves so all I have to do is shake and go.
Thanks guys!
Gotcha. To estimate, how many cornrows total do you normally make from ear to ear? Do you use about 2 packs of hair? And I promise I won't ask you anymore questions!