Quick Question

How often are you supposed to grease your scalp, someone told me if you do it everyday it will clog pores and delay hair growth. Is this true?
I've heard that too. Your hair is supposed to grow faster and healthier with a clean scalp that can breathe. I don't "grease" my scalp anymore and my hair is doing fine. All grease ever did was weigh my hair down and make it look dull.
Not sure how often you should grease your scalp but if you are worried about your pores being clogged from greasing, a clarifying shampoo should do the trick. HTH
the scalp produces natural oils to keep it moisturized. if you are experiencing dandruff or itchy scalp , etc, use a shampoo that specializes in dealing with that (examples: dudleys dandruff or keracare dry &itchy ). essential oils should be put on the actual hair , not scalp. if you are not producing enough oils, then watch what you are eating and drink more water. this is an internal situation. grease does not do anything for hair growth but coat the hair, thats it.
the scalp produces natural oils to keep it moisturized. if you are experiencing dandruff or itchy scalp , etc, use a shampoo that specializes in dealing with that (examples: dudleys dandruff or keracare dry &itchy ). essential oils should be put on the actual hair , not scalp. if you are not producing enough oils, then watch what you are eating and drink more water. this is an internal situation. grease does not do anything for hair growth but coat the hair, thats it.

Thanks for that info, I did not know that. So concentrate the oils on the hair shaft and ends, rather then the scalp.
Since I stopped oiling my scalp, I have A LOT less dry scalp/dandruff. If I ever feel like I need to put a little oil on my scalp, I use jojoba oil. :yep:
I don't because grease makes my scalp flaky and itchy.

I do use oil and essenstial oil mixes to stimulate my scalp but even that kind makes it itch sometimes. I would rather use nothing at all, but I do like the scalp stimulation I am getting from it.
hmm. i usually oil my scalp when I prepoo (i think i just like the way hot oil feels on my scalp) but the i shampoo and con right afterwards so that's ok right?
i used to grease my scalp regularly (my kids and I) since i got wind of the hairboards ( a year ago) and all this info ...i no longer do it.

My hair is fine and the dry/scalp that the kids and i use to have is no longer present. go figure.
I guess I'm the only one who uses grease. I even used to do it when I had permed hair and I had long thick permed hair and now that I have natural hair it's still growing at a respectable speed. I don't have dandruff problems and I wash my hair once every 3 weeks. I might apply grease to the scalp once or twice in that three week period. I always add grease or oil to the ends more frequently. I don't apply a load of grease but just enough to moisterize it. My hair feels really soft and shiny. If I didn't do it I feel like my hair might be dry. Especially with the water in my area. I apply vaseline on my skin and my skin does better. If I didn't put vaseline it would be ashy...isn't it the same concept with grease?
I guess I'm the only one who uses grease. I even used to do it when I had permed hair and I had long thick permed hair and now that I have natural hair it's still growing at a respectable speed. I don't have dandruff problems and I wash my hair once every 3 weeks. I might apply grease to the scalp once or twice in that three week period. I always add grease or oil to the ends more frequently. I don't apply a load of grease but just enough to moisterize it. My hair feels really soft and shiny. If I didn't do it I feel like my hair might be dry. Especially with the water in my area. I apply vaseline on my skin and my skin does better. If I didn't put vaseline it would be ashy...isn't it the same concept with grease?

there will be much better responses than mine about this but I just wanted to put my 2cents in about vaseline on the skin. whenever i use vaseline or oils on my skin, i would get a weird itchy rash. i went to the dermatologist about it and they said it's excema! I was like what, but isn't excema related to dry skin?! and he said exactly, when i put oils or vaseline on, it actually PREVENTS moisture from getting in and has a very drying effect, and thus the reaction.
It must depend on skin/hair types because my skin is very soft, smooth and well moisturized thanks to vaseline. I apply vaseline right after getting out of the shower. And I apply grease on to my damp hair after washing and I have had the best results. I have been doing it this way since high school and I don't really see a better alternative.
^^^the reason your getting such good results is because you are sealing in the moisture---the vasaline and grease is just holding it in, not creating its own moisture

To the orignal poster---if you have really really dry itchy scalp you can also try oil rinses (pouring oil over your head before conditioing) or hot oil treatments or use a light creame that is water based on your scalp 1-2x a week

Eddited to add---I used to use vasaline and mineral oil on my skin & hair untill learning how horrible they are for you.....now I use what i use on my hair, coconut oil, africas best, or soybean oil
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^^^the reason your getting such good results is because you are sealing in the moisture---the vasaline and grease is just holding it in, not creating its own moisture

To the orignal poster---if you have really really dry itchy scalp you can also try oil rinses (pouring oil over your head before conditioing) or hot oil treatments or use a light creame that is water based on your scalp 1-2x a week

Eddited to add---I used to use vasaline and mineral oil on my skin & hair untill learning how horrible they are for you.....now I use what i use on my hair, coconut oil, africas best, or soybean oil
What are the negative effects?
What are the negative effects?

(the reason i found out is because like Dillard i had escema(spell) and i told the doctor i used baby oil/mineral oil on my skin faithfully and he told me it was horrible, thinking he was just too into skin care & it wasnt that serious i did my little searches, dry skin & rashes are gone now :yep:)

Its derived from gasoline and "other crude oils" :nono: I just dont like that
Clogss your skin pores, slows your skins ablility to elimiate toxins because of that


Thats just the first thing that popped up when i googled because i couldnt remember everything, i just read about it once and stopped using it....i never heard about the liver and nutrients thing....dont know if that is really true or not:ohwell:

ETA---also natural oils are better for your skins elasticty, marks, ageing, and all that good crap
I don't think you HAVE to oil your scalp. I have extremely oily face and scalp and Lord knows I don't need to be adding no extra oil to my face nor my scalp. I add oils to my HAIR, especially the ends, never to my scalp. I do scalp massages and my natural sebum is quite enough to lubricate my scalp. IMO, scalp is like skin, it comes in all types and requires different care. . .