Quick: Need Help, Relaxer


New Member
I'm trying to fit in a quickie shopping for a relaxer in my schedule today. Please, can someone tell me which one causes less shedding? Affirm, ORS? I get shedding with Mizani and Linange and Hawaiian Silky Mild doesn't relax the hair right. I ultimately want to start texlaxing...which is what I did last time. I need something that is not too harsh. I've heard SE causes shedding so I don't want to try that one. I need a professional relaxer. Any help soon would be greatly appreciated.
I heard alot of good things about ORS is pretty good. I also want to try it.

I've been reading a lot of good reviews but the stylists at the Dominican salon use Affirm and their hair is like mine...that coarse Arab-type hair with lots of kink. It's not poofy soft at all (I wish, I wouldn't be using nothing lol). 3c-4a. Thing is, I thought that since it was so coarse, I'd need a stronger relaxer but not so. I have regular to mild professional ones but they are causing shedding between the not-so relaxed roots and the rest. It's not like it's wavy as usual when I relax, it's ...rough and ??? Only 5-8 min. application and when wet, was straight as a board (over what I wanted0. I can't touch Mizani . I just did an Aphogee so I'm not going to touch up today but I just don't get downtown very often to go and get these things. ORS you think is better? I know it's cheaper than that Affirm...but I want to preserve the strands. Do you think it relaxes very straight because if so, I'll get the Affirm?
why not try hawaiian silky regular? i love it :grin: and the ORS regular left me slightly underprocessed. both are good relaxers, though.