questions on baggying experiment?


Active Member
I'm planning on using a shower cap under my satin scarf every night. This is not only to protect my pillows from the oil stains in the past - but also to retain moisture.. the NM climate is no joke.. I usually wash and DC once a week.

My questions are:

#1 Will the scalp and hair "smell" in the morning?

#2 Since my protective style is a bantu knot-out, will their be frizz from the humidity of the bag on the head?:perplexed
I dont know about the smell in the morning but I think that if you give the bantu knots time to air out and dry before you take them down then you should be okay. And also smooth a drop of oil on your hands as you take them down to ease the frizz. :D

What moisturizer(s) are you using on the bantu knots?
(Just started using) Bee Mine Balancing Moisturizer, and sealing with JBCO.

Sometimes, i have switched them up for variety in the past. ORS carrot oil moisturizer, or my home-made moisture spritz (distilled water, Bhringaraj oil, Infusium 23, regular castor oil, tea tree and daily doctor)..

the Bee Mine Moisturizer seems to have more "staying power" than the other 2 products i've just mentioned.
I usually baggy without any products and what I smell is just the last conditioner I used when I wash my hair. I have baggied with S Curl and again no smell. I imagine though that if I baggied with a grease or some home-made mixture that doesn't have preservatives, I might end up with a moldy smell. I never baggy wet hair; I would not be surprised if wetness and baggying, especially for a long time, led to a musty smell. Also if you're not washing your hair often and you baggy, I think it can smell. I don't "oil" my scalp and I imagine if one is doing it, it can lead to a sweaty smell as your own sebum competes with the "oil" and your smothered scalp gets sweaty.

I agree with Chelz that if you let your bantu knots to dry before undoing, you should get good results.