Questions..IC,protective styles, and breakage


New Member
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1. Does anyone use IC 1 minute Reconstructor? 1 minute just doesn't seem like a very long time for ANYTHING to work. So would it be okay if I put it on for say 5 minutes? Also is a reconstructor considered a protein treatment?

2. Are protective styles really that necessary to grow hair? I wear my hair out often(protecting the ends with profective breakfree which i LOVE and olive oil) and have had no real problems with it.

3. Is some breakage(I get like 2-5 hairs of breakage a day, less with my new profective breakfree) normal or is none at all what we are really trying to attain? Is that possible?

4. Last one I promise...Since starting my research on proper hair care I came up with this new regime(if you want to know what it is I'll post it)which is working wonders. Never in my life have I grown 2 inches in some places in barely 8 weeks. I didnt even know that was possible. My question is when I get a retouch in 4 weeks(I usually wait 12 weeks anyway)will it be necessary to trim? Ive been trimming my split ends regularly and I really want to keep my new length!

Thank you in advance for even daring to read all my questions hehehe. If its not too much trouble Id really appreciate some responses or ideas. Thanks again gals(and guys i think??)
I used the Fantasia Reconstructor several years ago. I don't think 1-5 minutes is long enough, either! I left it in for about 30 minutes (no heat). I didn't have any adverse effects.

I don't think protective styles (buns, braids, etc.) are mandatory. But I think the less you manipulate your hair, the better off it will be. Especially relaxed hair and really kinky hair. Both are very fragile.

Shedding is normal (bulb is still on the hair strand). But yanking your own hair out can be avoided.

If my ends look good, I don't trim. I'll even them out when I get closer to my goal. But if they are thin or split or "ate up" looking, I'd cut them off just because it looks bad.
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3. Is some breakage(I get like 2-5 hairs of breakage a day, less with my new profective breakfree) normal or is none at all what we are really trying to attain? Is that possible?

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This is a great question. Are there any relaxed heads who get ZERO breakage?
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4. Last one I promise...Since starting my research on proper hair care I came up with this new regime(if you want to know what it is I'll post it)which is working wonders. Never in my life have I grown 2 inches in some places in barely 8 weeks. I didnt even know that was possible. My question is when I get a retouch in 4 weeks(I usually wait 12 weeks anyway)will it be necessary to trim? Ive been trimming my split ends regularly and I really want to keep my new length!

Thank you in advance for even daring to read all my questions hehehe. If its not too much trouble Id really appreciate some responses or ideas. Thanks again gals(and guys i think??)

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Go ahead and post your regimine...I would love to see what you're doing to get 2 inches in almost 8 weeks!!

If it's the same product (white bottle/green writing), I used it once a month.
I didn't know any better back then. My stylist told me deep conditioning more than once a month would make my hair fall out and I believed her.
Re: Questions..IC,protective styles, and breakage-

Tebby.. here it is girl

Pre shampoo- hot oil using carrot, olive or whatever oil is around

shampoo(wednesdays and saturdays)- Elasta Bodyfiying/CoN Detangling. Minimal manipulation but instead sectioning the hair slowly(like your mama used to grease your hair??) and cleaning and massaging the scalp that way.

Deep condition (wed and sat) - Lustrasilk or LeKhai cholestorol, Elasta QP Intense shampoo,homemade protein treatment, IC Reconstructor(rotate these products)

Leave in and daily moisturizer- Profective Breakfree, Organics carrot oil

Conditioner washes(mon and friday)- more of a rinse than a washing of the scalp just to get more moisture in the actual hair

water- 6 or more glasses a day

protein(food)- chicken and vegetables at least 5 or 6 times a week(theres always a new recipe for chicken just try --&gt; chicken recipes)

vitamins- flinstones multi(dont laugh i cant break the habit started when i was 6 lol) and biotin(3mg might up this a little)

Phew and thats it oh yea no combing more than once a day and thats usually finger combing. Im not one for protective styles so my ends are ALWAYS moisturized. Breakage is very minimal but is it possible to not have breakage at all ever?? I dont know. Anyways this is the regime thats brought me 2 inches in 8 weeks. Im not trying to plug it or anything but I am quite proud of coming up with it and its success. Any questions, just ask
Re: Questions..IC,protective styles, and breakage-


Sounds like a good regimen to me. I take Centrum kids chewables...not funny either!
so is it a deep conditioner or a protein treatment? I just want to know how often I should use it and for how long?

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I don't remember the ingredients. I remember this conditioner having a slight stiffening effect on my hair. But I used pretty harsh shampoos back then...

If protein is listed in the first ten ingredients, I'd use it as moderate protein conditioner. Maybe once or twice a month. If protein is further down the list I'd use it once a week. No matter where the protein is listed-- if it made my hair feel hard, I'd only use it once or twice a month. Maybe never if it made it feel too hard!
Hi Gigi...Welcome to LHCF!

Deep condition (wed and sat) - Lustrasilk or LeKhai cholestorol, Elasta QP Intense shampoo,homemade protein treatment, IC Reconstructor(rotate these products)

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Now you've got me curious as to what you are using a a homemade protein. Please do tell. That is if you don't mind.
1 egg white + 5 tsp. of plain yogurt(no fruits or anything found in any grocery store)= homemade protein treatment. Dont ask how I know that its something I learned from Japanese background
Hi GiGi

Wow it sounds like you have a really great regimen! That homemade protein looks interesting (and inexpensive!), thanks for sharing. I haven't tried that IC reconstructor so I can't help you there.

The protective styles I think are good for people who may tend to have dryer hair or just need help keeping their hands out of it
. I'm doing the bun challenge (basically keeping your hair in a bun or similar protective updo for a year) because before I joined this board I was pretty mean to my hair. I washed once a week and blowdried and curled and flattened..heat, heat, heat on my poor relaxed hair. It's not like my hair wouldn't grow at all--even with all that damage my hair was still past my shoulders, but I had to trim ALL the time to gid rid of nasty-looking ends, so it seemed like bra-strap or waist length would be impossible. My hair seems to really like the air-drying and the protective styles.

If you're only getting 2-5 broken hairs I would say you're just fine! I'm sure even the healthiest hair breaks sometimes just from handling it. I think it would be impossible to style your hair without accidently snapping a couple hairs.

Anyway, welcome to the board!