Questions From a Newbie


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I am new to this board. I kinda stumbled across this board about two months ago. I am very IMPRESSED with everyone's hair and regime. I learned alot these past two months about hair and its different textures. I have a few questions. I recently decided to become natural. My relaxed hair was past my shoulder. I did the "BC" in October. I do have some relaxed hair on the tips (not much). Right now I have braids and plan on taking them next month. I have alot of gray hair. I always had gray hair since I was three years old. now that i am going natural, what can cover up the gray hair? Can anyone recommend a salon in nyc area that specializes in natural hair?
any suggestions would be great!
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Welcome from another newbie! :wave: I know there are a few natural hair salons in Brooklyn. I think Khamit Kinks are in Brooklyn, and you can also call Time salon (sorry, I don't have their number) to see if they also handle natural hair. I've notice a few salons around Fort Greene area and Fulton St.-near South Portland.