Questions About Texturizing


New Member
Hi all, I plan on texturizing my hair again for the second time this weekend. The first time I did it was about 7 weeks ago and I did it on a whim. This time around I want to make sure I take all the proper precautions and right steps. I couldn't find many threads on texturizing so I've just been reading up on relaxing since they are both chemical processes. Hopefully you guys can help me answer some questions and/or critique my regimen I plan on following:

1) Are there any steps I should be taking beforehand? I read somewhere that you should clarify and do a protein treatment a few days before a chemical service. I DC with Aubreys GPB last Saturday but I didn't clarify. I plan on using Super strength this time around. The first time I used Regular (no lye) and I felt like my hair was underprocessed. I figure if I use Super (no lye again), I can leave it on for the same amount of time (10 min.) and not worry about it being overprocessed. And by not clarifying, I figure the extra coating on my strands will help to not overprocess my hair. Is this a logical way of thinking?

2) After I neutralize, I plan to also follow up with a chelating shampoo - is this a good idea?

3) Should I ACV rinse after I shampoo or after I deep condition?

4) Lastly, I plan on DC again with Aubrey's GPB - is this a bad idea? I read that you shouldn't follow up with a protein treatment after relaxing your hair - does this also apply to texturizing?

In regards to the last question, I had a lot of broken hairs the last time and my hair still had that chemical smell so the next day I washed again with a neutralizing shampoo and a chelating shampoo and then I did an Aphoghee 2 Min treatment. Was this a bad idea? I'm now reading that protein reverses the effects of a relaxer. Or is it different with a texturizer?

Any advice you guys can share will be greatly appreciated.
What I normally do is do it as a relaxer but don't smooth it out neutralize, deep condition, let it air dry and blow it out. My hair has grown a lot since I stooped relaxing and just textlax. Everyone has their own way with their hair u just gotta experiment and find what works for u.

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My hair thrived with texturizers. I just did not know how to retouch. Enjoy your journey and post pics, please!!:Flahsssss:click::wave: