Questions about Ends... (transitioner)


Well-Known Member
I got a trim the last week of January and might get another this week. I made sure the stylist knew that I was looking for GROWTH. So the point is NOT to cut off any progress. Heh.

Back in January she told me the ends eventually curl into each other and that's why trims are important to keep hair from breaking off. Have any of you heard that?

I also noticed tonight (as I was once again attempting to "define" my curls) that the ends of my still relaxed hair were actually a lot "rougher" feeling than the ends of my hair where there are no relaxed ends left (at my nape.)

Do you think the natural hair will have less problems with split and dry ends than the old relaxed stuff that is on the rest of my head?
Her answer to you about the reasons behind trimming don't make any sense to me.

They start curling around each other so they have to be trimmed to prevent breakage...??

Your natural hair is going to curl around (and over and under and beside) itself. Is her plan just to shave you bald every 6 weeks...?? :lachen:

Relaxed hair is chemically treated so it tends to be more porous towards the ends, it may not hold moisture very well, and in addition the cuticle layers are raised and rough. These things combined create the perfect environment for splits. Natural hair can have split ends, but :lachen:b/c the hair itself is not chemically damaged you can prevent many of thing just by keeping on top of your moisturizing..