Questions about CONDITIONERS


Well-Known Member
1. Can you put conditioner over your entire head (esp. new growth) during the relaxing process to enlongate/stretch the relaxing time. meaning if it takes 10 min. to do a texlax with conditioners it takes 15 min.

2.I read somewhere that after every shampoo one must use an acidic conditioner? Is this true?
Wouldn't it be too many conditioners if :
I do a deep conditioning treatment, then do an acidic conditioner then when I roller set put in a leave in conditioner. WOULDN't THis hurt my hair?

3. Before a relaxer (three days or so before), I heard it is best to apply a hard conditioner like emergencee? Is it best to use Emergencee or an Acidic conditioner or Both?
I don't know about your 1st question, but I'll attempt to answer the last 2:

2. I *think* acidic conditioners help seal the cuticle and balance the pH, which is especially good if you have relaxed hair as the relaxer is extremely basic.

It wouldn't be too many conditioners if you just mix them together and add it once and go under the dryer. That's what I do.

3. Emergencee is good to fortify the hair strands to prepare them for undergoing a harsh process, like relaxing, that breaks the protein in the hair structure. Usually after using Emergencee anyway, the directions say to wash with a moisturizung poo (i.e. Humectress) and then deep condition with a moisturizing con. So if you would also like to use an acidic conditioner, you can just mix it with the moist. con. at this time.

Maybe someone can add more. HTH.
Does anyone have an answer for question one. I heard of people adding oils and conditioners to the relaxer but what about adding conditioner all over hair to slow down processing. i don't want to add it to the relaxer b/c I don't know how much is enough.
I add a cheapie condish (which in coneless, which is important IMO, because cones may block the relaxer from penetrating at ALL) when I relax.

I mainly do it just in case of overlapping. My hair comes out texlaxed either way.:lol: