Question For Weekly Rollersetters...


Well-Known Member
How much hair are you ladies losing during your comb out to rollerset? Of course I detangle in the shower under running water, then add my leave ins and detangle with a smaller detangling comb, then finish with the rat tail. I just think I'm losing too much hair during my Wed & Sat wash. The thing is, I don't lose any hair in between. But then also, I don't comb, just finger comb. I've been on this hair journey awhile and I just think my hair has gotten thinner. Is it the longer the hair gets the thinner it gets? I'm not liking my hair very much these days ladies.
First, you want to see what kind of hair is in your comb. Is it with the bulb at the end? If so, then you're shedding. If it's without the bulb, then it's breakage.

Do that first, then you'll know where you stand. But, if your hair is thinning, it sounds like it's been breaking. What do you think could be cause breakage (if that's what it is).

I've shedding like a mule for months at one time, but it didn't thin my hair out. Thinning is usually caused by breakage.
Little to none. And I'm transitioning. I detangle in the shower under running water and I use a seamless small tooth comb to do my rollersets with. I also detangle underneath the shower with a wide tooth seamless comb.

I lose maybe 8=10 strands (if that)...

Maybe its because I dont have that much hair to begin I just use a shower comb after I add my leave in and then part my sections with the end of my rat tail comb and comb each part as I begin to roll it...HTH
First, you want to see what kind of hair is in your comb. Is it with the bulb at the end? If so, then you're shedding. If it's without the bulb, then it's breakage.

Do that first, then you'll know where you stand. But, if your hair is thinning, it sounds like it's been breaking. What do you think could be cause breakage (if that's what it is).

I've shedding like a mule for months at one time, but it didn't thin my hair out. Thinning is usually caused by breakage.

Some strands are long, some are short. I have examined them and found it to be a mixture. This happens only when my hair is wet. I'm wondering if it's because my hair is NOT bone straight now and is texlaxed. I wish I was lucky enough to have lose only 8 - 10 strands.
The only time I lost hair when rollersetting was when my moisture/protein balance was off.

When my hair is properly moisturized, I don't lose any hair.
I lose hair when I roller set, not a huge amount but not as little as 8 to 10 strands either.
About the thinning, are you stretching a relaxer? Sometimes with the puffiness of the new growth, the ends look thinner?
The only time I lost hair when rollersetting was when my moisture/protein balance was off.

When my hair is properly moisturized, I don't lose any hair.

How can I tell this? I deep condition on Wed and Sat. I moisturize my ends morning and night. I just don't get it. I'm tempted to go to a stylist for a rollerset to just get some feedback and let her examine my hair.
Some strands are long, some are short. I have examined them and found it to be a mixture. This happens only when my hair is wet. I'm wondering if it's because my hair is NOT bone straight now and is texlaxed. I wish I was lucky enough to have lose only 8 - 10 strands.

The only time I lost hair when rollersetting was when my moisture/protein balance was off.

When my hair is properly moisturized, I don't lose any hair.

Same here! I was wondering if that may be the culprit with her hair.

Janeemat, have you been maintaining the m/p balance?

Oh, and for my own hair, I detangle in the shower as well with a wide tooth comb. I then use my bone fine tooth comb to rollerset. And like Ceebee I only get hair in the comb when my m/p balance is off...right now it's off. :sad:
I lose hair when I roller set, not a huge amount but not as little as 8 to 10 strands either.
About the thinning, are you stretching a relaxer? Sometimes with the puffiness of the new growth, the ends look thinner?

I'm 7 wks post. I plan to relax at 12 wks.
Same here! I was wondering if that may be the culprit with her hair.

Janeemat, have you been maintaining the m/p balance?

Oh, and for my own hair, I detangle in the shower as well with a wide tooth comb. I then use my bone fine tooth comb to rollerset. And like Ceebee I only get hair in the comb when my m/p balance is off...right now it's off. :sad:

Well, I thought that I have been maintaining the m/p balance. Some weeks I will use ADR poo, treatment and then the cond. Other weeks I will as tonight poo with Matrix Biolage Poo, Porosity Control for 30 sec and then deep cond with a Dominican conditioner, Baba de caracol. I don't use the Aveda each week because it's too costly. I use Lacio Lacio, Bliss and a mixture of Lotta Body to set my hair. I remove the rollers after drying under my pibbs and always moisturize my ends. This is my routine on Wed & Sat. Sometimes on Wed, I will not rollerset.

How can I tell this? I deep condition on Wed and Sat. I moisturize my ends morning and night. I just don't get it. I'm tempted to go to a stylist for a rollerset to just get some feedback and let her examine my hair.

Actually, I had some trouble the last time I did a set and that helped me to see that something was wrong.

When I usuallly rollerset I don't see any hair when I use my fine tooth comb to smooth the hair.

This time I had wet hair in my hands and broken pieces when I tried to wrap.

I had been using too much protein and my hair was too dry. I've never had mushy hair so I knew that my problem was I was too heavy on protein.

I stopped the rollersetting for a few weeks and kept my hair in 2 braids and deep conditioned like crazy. It's just now getting back to normal.

I had a bad setback last August and I didn't want to repeat so I know I needed moisture.

You can tell by how your hair breaks or how it feels when it's wet. Usually if it breaks right away and it's hard, you need to moisturize.

If it's stretching way too much you've overdone it on the moisture and a quick protein treatment should fix it.

Hope that helps.
Also, I don't use the very smallest fine tooth combs, they always manage to pull some hair out. I use one with a little space between the teeth.
I'm a weekly rollersetter (although I'm not doing it this weekend :nono:) who is also texlaxed. Regarding combing, I NEVER comb dry hair, even if it's a rollerset. If I did, I would get breakage galore! Instead, after removing the rollers, I style/comb with my fingers. This technique has saved me a lot of hair. :yep:
I rollerset 3-4 times a week. I don't experience much ....however depending on how tight the roller is may cause a little hair loss...I have make sure I use a conditioner with a lot of slip ...I see that you are using bliss, lacio lacio and lottabody... I alternate...sometimes I use a dime size of lacio lacio and lottabody or a dime size of lacio lacio and spray leave on (i.e. Aphogee Keratin, Paul Mitchell Super Strong, Motions Nourish)

I'm a weekly rollersetter (although I'm not doing it this weekend :nono:) who is also texlaxed. Regarding combing, I NEVER comb dry hair, even if it's a rollerset. If I did, I would get breakage galore! Instead, after removing the rollers, I style/comb with my fingers. This technique has saved me a lot of hair. :yep:

This is my technique. I only comb to rollerset. After that I finger comb.
I rollerset 3-4 times a week. I don't experience much ....however depending on how tight the roller is may cause a little hair loss...I have make sure I use a conditioner with a lot of slip ...I see that you are using bliss, lacio lacio and lottabody... I alternate...sometimes I use a dime size of lacio lacio and lottabody or a dime size of lacio lacio and spray leave on (i.e. Aphogee Keratin, Paul Mitchell Super Strong, Motions Nourish)


I'm losing hair when I comb to set each curl while it is wet. My rollers are not too tight.
I have the same problem. Which is why I don't envision washing my hair more than once a week because I don't like losing my hair. Actually I used to lose a lot of hair just from washing... even before I would start to detangle. I started using Mizani Moisterfusion shampoo and conditioner and that has helped a lot. I plan on getting a fine tooth comb that's a little wider than what i use now.
I think I'm going into a nurture mode. There are some things that I quit doing such as prepooing on Friday nights. I'm going back to some of my old staples, Silicon Mix, Emergencee and 10 n 1 adding essential oils to them. These products got me from barely shoulder length to apl in a yr.
I'm losing hair when I comb to set each curl while it is wet. My rollers are not too tight.

Sorry about that I misunderstood.....the only way I could remedy this was using products that had crazy slip - effortless combing as it was inevitable that I was going lose some strands cuz' I am a "comber" I comb before, during, and after....

Lately I have been using the Lacio/Aphogee Keratin Spray and have not had any problems...I also keep my hair dripping/soaking wet with water throughout the process
I have the same problem. Which is why I don't envision washing my hair more than once a week because I don't like losing my hair. Actually I used to lose a lot of hair just from washing... even before I would start to detangle. I started using Mizani Moisterfusion shampoo and conditioner and that has helped a lot. I plan on getting a fine tooth comb that's a little wider than what i use now.

I was using Mizani the whole month of September & October and would only lose a few hairs during roller setting. I ran out and started using whatever was around the house, Aphogee, Joico, Aveda and went into protein overload. I began to see breakage during and after roller setting (long & short hairs). I quickly ran out and purchased my Mizani again and my hair is back to normal. careful w/ your roller clips as well. Make sure they are fully open when you're sliding them into the rollers and when you're taking them out. I would lay off the protein shampoos, conditioners & leave ins for awhile. HTH
I rollerset often, and in the beginning, I used to lose a lot of hair when combing to set the rollers also. Ever since I switched to the ponytail rollerset (I only use 4 ponytails), I only have a few strands in the shower hair catcher thing, if any.

I also realized my fine hair does not care for too much protein. I was using ORS HAIR Mayo, Motions CPR, and even a leave-in with protein too often. My hair would snap and pieces would break with every roller. Now, I seem to get better slip and no breakage when I saturate each section with a water /serum/condish mix. I don't always use a leave-in. Sometimes, I just add a little bit of regular condish to my mix. I also pre-poo with suave coconut conditioner and amla ( the stinky kind).

Before I roll a section, I will put either EQP mango butter, or regular old vaseline ( I know, I know) on the ends. Prior to rolling, I will have combed the section with a wide tooth comb, saturated again, and went through with the fine tooth slowly. The wetter my hair, the better it turns out. I hope this helps somewhat.
The only thing I can think of is you say you finger comb your hair when it's dry. You detangle when it's wet wet under water. But are you getting rid of all of your shed hair? Remember we lose 100-200 per day. And when not properly removed shed hair can become tangled on others causing breakage when you're combing your hair.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of the strand test again? I've read sistaslick's article like a million times, I don't know why I can't remember.
So if the strand snaps right away w/o stretching you need moisture and if the strand stretches then snaps, you need protein? Did I get that backwards?

I hate this protein/moisture balance stuff.
Friday i had a retouch and i did my rollers. I say i lost like 5-6 hairs. But i must say depending on the leave in, time of the month, season or whatever i can lose 10-20. So don't panic.

Make sure you use a very moisturizing leave in so your hair can me very soft. I use the orange rattail comb. and be gentle.

Can someone give me a quick rundown of the strand test again? I've read sistaslick's article like a million times, I don't know why I can't remember.
So if the strand snaps right away w/o stretching you need moisture and if the strand stretches then snaps, you need protein? Did I get that backwards?

I hate this protein/moisture balance stuff.

It was hard for me too, but this is what I go by:

If the strand snaps right away no stretching you need moisture, if it stretches way too much and is too soft you need more protein.

If it stretches and has some elasticity and feel strong before breaking, you're ok.
I lose a minimal amount of hair, but I'm a natural who rollersets. I know most of it is shedding and the hair I lose during the rollerset is usually because I'm being bad and I'm pulling too hard. In order to minimize the hair loss, I start before the wash. I've kinda modified the crown and glory method and chicoro's method. When I prepoo, I smooth my hair and make sure its detangled before I put the oils on it. I work in sections the whole time, from prepoo to dc, to final rinse. So my hair never really gets tangled up. But keeping the five sections I'll be rollersetting in from start to finish on wash day has really helped for me.
I don't lose much hair at all now. Perhaps try and incorporate oil rinses to your routine, it leaves the hair extremely detangled thus minimal hair loss.
This is my technique. I only comb to rollerset. After that I finger comb.

Ooops, I just re-read your original post, and you do mention that you finger comb....Sorry!

I didn't read all of the responses, but I would suggest lowering manipulation. Is it possible for you to limit your washdays to once per week?