Question for my NL ladies


New Member
Do you go without heat? Since joining LHCF I've been trying to use minimal heat. I started pinning my hair up in the back with like a thousand bobby pins but it's causing breakage and I don't know what to do with my hair. I refuse to put it in a tiny pony and rock a phony pony (a suggestion I have received), but I don't want to use heat and I want some style that doesn't cause breakage. Any suggestions outside of wigs and weaves that don't cause breakage?
I tried one of these a while back before I knew what they were called and I don't know what happened but it turned out a HAM. I got a 4 day weekend coming up though so that's a good idea. I'll do some research on here and also youtube...Thanks
I used to do the bobby pin thing, it looked nice but they would dig into my scalp too much. I air dry my hair (after detangling) and I have been using a clip to clip up the top part of my hair, and I just let the back (shortest pieces) down. I use products to smooth my hair.
Im at ear length because I recently had my hair relaxed and needed to cut some off (should have really done it a while ago because it wasnt pretty)

Im having trouble trying to style my hair without using heat. I can just about get it into rollers so thats a solution I suppose. How good are you at rollersetting?

I like your idea shininnebear
I am neck length and instead of sitting and watching my hair everyday grow I just got kinky twist. That way my hands are out of my hair, dont have to worry about heat damage/usage, and I can retain my growth. I plan on doing this until I am apl when I can do a decent bun.

I know you said you didnt want weave but that is all I can think of. HTH and Good luck
When I was relaxed straight and neck length I would have flat twist in the front of my hair and rollerset the back or you can try it with braids in the front. You can also pin curl your hair all over and have curly hair. You can gel your hair down in the front put on a head band and pin curl your hair in the back. You can also buy one of those plastic head bands that have the teeth all around them and pull it back like your are wearing a puff and pin curl it the night before so that it can be curly. This should give you some styling options without heat. I hope this helps.
I used sew-ins and half-wigs to get from chin length to SL. The wigs are a good alternative to weaves since you can take it out daily.
I highly suggest rollersetting. that's what i do now. i don't flat iron at all. i rollerset my hair and then wrap it for a while, looks like i flat ironed it. i used to always do nightly rollersets w/ satin foam rollers and have a really cute curly style everyday. i would do bantu knots and pin curls as well. now since i really don't feel like doing any of that every night, i just clip it up. i have to have it up anyway bc i'm in the military. since my boyfriend is deployed, i cowash twice a week and airdry w/ a scarf. lays my hair down. i don't worry about straight ends bc it's clipped up anyway. no one to look cute for...
I wear a head wrap. I am a stay at home mom. I dont have to go to work until I finish school so I am taking advantage of this time until I finish and start working. I just went to a fabric store, bought material and made wrap. I love it. Simple and easy.
I don't have access to a dryer for rollersets, I am gonna attempt a braid out. My problems is I've been to scared to experiment so I'm gonna use my weekends to start doing that. Thank all of you for your responses...I got some good ideas
A french twist keeps me from having to use heat. I secure it with a comb like this (oil the teeth before you insert it)...

Cross-wrapping keeps my ends smooth if thats what I need.

I'm going to try pin curling tonight-good idea!
Hey LaidBak...where did you get those combs?! Super cute. I was gonna say "fast french roll" too...mine doesn't look all perfect like a wedding up do or anything, but it's fast and gives me a break from the elastic and tons of pins needed for a decent bun on me. I use about 3-4 bobby pins for my french roll...HTH