Question for cowashers


New Member
I am thinking about cowashing my hair more. I've heard lots of ladies benefit from cowashing by getting thicker hair.
Do you detangle everytime you cowash?
How has cowashing helped your hair?

Looking forward to your feedback, don't want to damage my hair by manipulating it to much.
I have to detangle anytime I cowash (or wet my hair at all). Since I'm not the gentlest person when detangling I try to not wet my hair everyday because I do more harm than good when raking the comb through my hair.

I cowash because that's really the only way for me to "do" my hair. My conditioner helps keep my hair moisturized and healthy. I can't say cowashing has made my hair thicker though...I know the strands aren't thicker...but maybe I'm keeping more hair on my head.
I seldom let my hair get wet unless it's in braids or twists so my CWs do not require any detangling. I know they haven't hurt my hair. I don't use leave-in moisturizers so CWs are a way for me to get my hair moisturized.
I am 4a/4b and I co-wash once mid week. I go into the shower, make sure my hair is WET, no dry parts, finger "comb" each section, then I put my conditioner in (Hairveda Moist 24/7), I let it sit for about 5 minutes, massage each section for a minute, then use my comb to comb while rinsing, I'm gentle and hardly lose insane amounts. It has benefited my hair in the area of growth* and moisture. HTH & HHG!!!

*When I massage my scalp, it stimulates blood flow, and a little increase in GR.
Hi Patricia:hiya2:: For Me, I found Co-Washing to be extremely Beneficial. I have dry Hair/Scalp. And I did not want to "Pre-Poo" everytime I Shampoo'd so, basically I eliminated Shampoo from my Reggie.

I Now only use a Clarifying Shampoo as my Hair Dictates. i.e. to eliminate buildup etc.

I Love Co-Washing.:love2: I don't notice any more "tangles" than I normally would. I rinse for a really long time before I apply my Conditioner.

For the most part, my Hair & Scalp is Definitely not as dry. And Overall, it looks and feels a lot more Moisturized.

So, Co-Washing was a Definite Plus for the Health of My Hair.
I am thinking about cowashing my hair more. I've heard lots of ladies benefit from cowashing by getting thicker hair.
Do you detangle everytime you cowash?
How has cowashing helped your hair?

Looking forward to your feedback, don't want to damage my hair by manipulating it to much.
I co-wash at least 3 times a week. I do have to detangle my hair b/c I usually do protective styles while wet and allow my hair to airdry in the bun or whatever style it's in. CW has definitely helped me achive the proper moisture level in my hair. Lack of moisture has been the main culprit my entire life. I didn't understand that was my problem until I came to the forum. Now that my hair is moisturized, Ph balanced, and gets the protein it needs, there is nothing to do but let time take it's toll. My favorites are Aussie Moist, Ojon Ultra Hydrating condish, Pantene Moisture Renewal condish, and WEN tea tree. In reverse order. :rolleyes:
I seldom let my hair get wet unless it's in braids or twists so my CWs do not require any detangling. I know they haven't hurt my hair. I don't use leave-in moisturizers so CWs are a way for me to get my hair moisturized.

Do you cowash in single braids, cornrows, or both?
I co-wash weekly I used to detangle when I co-wash now I detangle when I pre-poo but it has helped me retain moisture especially since I have very dry scalp. I prefer to co-wash with the cheap stuff because it can get expensive like V0-5 or Dessert Essence Jojoba (I love this one the most). Either way it works out great for me so far.
I co-wash 2-3 a week. I rarely have to detangle other than some light combing. My hair is quite soft and moisturized after each co-wash. I do not co-wash in braids.
I love co-washing!! I can admit, my hair and I are "Hydro Lovers" :). My hair is always cornrowed (under a wig) so no I don't detangle. I only detangle when I clarify and wash once a month. Oops, I forgot to add that I co-wash about 2-3 times per week. It definitely keeps my hair moisturized and it works great for me.
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I have fine strands and I cowash 3-4 times a week.

Do you detangle everytime you cowash? Yes, I have to :yep:
How has cowashing helped your hair? It's made my transition so much easier than I anticipated. My new growth always feels moisturised and soft, I make sure I get protein often as my hair loves protein = strong hair too. My leave in con is a light protein and so is my DC.
is daily co-washing a no- no? anybody co-wash daily?
Alot of Ladies do in the Summer/Warmer Months.

This Summer there was a Daily Co-Washing "Challenge"

The most I've ever done it has been twice a week.

Personally, I don't want to manipulate my hair that much. Frequent Hair Handling would be counter productive for me.

IMO: My Hair could not tolerate it.:nono:
is daily co-washing a no- no? anybody co-wash daily?

I usually only co-wash twice a week.My hair is so moisturized after co-washing that I would be afraid to do it daily out of fear it would be too much moisture.I also airdry after I co-wash which means that my hair would be wet all the time and never get to dry.That could mess with your hair's porosity.
I love CW but wouldn't say that it has increased my hair's thickness. My hair is more moisture and elastic. I generally finger comb & only comb if I have a tangle I can't work through with my fingers or if I am going to straighten. the frequency varies with my workout schedule and outside temperature and hairstyle. I alternate b/w moisture and protein conditioners to maintain moisture protein balance.
I love CW but wouldn't say that it has increased my hair's thickness. My hair is more moisture and elastic. I generally finger comb & only comb if I have a tangle I can't work through with my fingers or if I am going to straighten. the frequency varies with my workout schedule and outside temperature and hairstyle. I alternate b/w moisture and protein conditioners to maintain moisture protein balance.

I Co-Wash with a Protein Conditioner and DC with a Moisturizing Conditioner.:yep:

If I am Henna'ing, I will Co-Wash with Moisture and also DC with Moisture.
i am finding that i'm cwing daily b/c i get all the prods put of my hair every night to wake up with a fresh head and restyle. but i do balance my moisture/protein. it just seems my new bc is better that way and keeps soft. glad to know there was a daily cw challenge.
I co-wash often. My hair loves it. It keeps my hair moisturized, but I also make sure to use a strengthening/protein condish as needed to keep the balance. My hair also seems to grow much faster when I co-wash. I do it it about 4-5 times a week. I detangle every time. Most times there is no hair on my shower comb.
I cowash at least once a week.

Do you detangle everytime you cowash?
I'm usually in natural braids or twists when i cowash, so can't detangle every time. I try to keep in the braids or twists for 3 to 4 weeks, so I only detangle at the end of that time period.

How has cowashing helped your hair?
My hair's definately more moisturized and soft.
Hi Patricia! :wiggle:

I'm loving me some cowashing! I started doing it every day over the summer and then easing my hair into a lightly held wet bun. My hair grew like wild fire and thickened like I couldn't believe!!

I alternate between Vo5 moisture, clarifying and protein conditioners. They have a split ender conditioner that has good protein ingredients in it. Also I occasionally use mane n tail conditioner to cowash with. This past summer my hair was loose during cowash because of the bun after. I only detangled and removed shed hair once per week. Immediately following cowash I like to oil my hair with coconut oil and then coat my hair with a heavier conditioner like Aussie Sidney Smooth.

Now that it's getting cool in NC I've switched to a nite time cowash. I've been wearing wigs daily so I've braided my hair and only detangle once per month when I change out the braids. I really love what cowashing does for the apparent health of my scalp and hair. If you check out my fotki you can see the state of my hair in my first album where I'd never cowashed regularly to the state of my hair in my last album. Gained length, fullness, shine, you name it.

I should add that, now that my hair is in braids, I mix the conditioner with water in an applicator bottle before squirting down between my parts and under my braids. But I love it so much that I think I'll do it this way from now on, even once my hair is loose again.
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My cowashing depends on the week. I usually will co-wash in the middle of the week and then on Sunday I usually cleanse and condition. I do not always you shampoo on Sunday, but I will if I feel build up. If I do not shampoo, I am using Hair One for Dry Hair from Sally's because I love the way it cleans and conditions.

I do detangle everytime I co-wash or wet my hair. The styles I wear require that I do. I do twist-n-curls and buns. I have never co-washed daily. My hair is not built that way because if I wash too often my hair does not feel as soft and healthy.

I believe cowashing has helped my hair by keeping it moisturized. I think that the combination of cowashing and sealing ends after I add a leave in are really the combination that keeps in moisture. However, I think my thickening effects have come from my henna treatments. I have only done 2 and can see a real difference that I did not see with the cowashing alone.
Thanks for the input ladies. I am rocking a wig with cornrowed hair underneath...I just had a quick question, for the ladies who cowash in you experience any matting or tangling?
Thanks for the input ladies. I am rocking a wig with cornrowed hair underneath...I just had a quick question, for the ladies who cowash in you experience any matting or tangling?

My last set I kept my braids (no added hair) for one month; cowashed every day (or night) and no matting, at all. My hair was soft, clean and moisturized. I waited til I took them down and deshed before shampooing. So I went a month without any shampoo.
Do you cowash in single braids, cornrows, or both?

I wash in single braids (which I'm in now) or in singe twists. I never apply conditioner to my scalp. I usually skip the closest inch or so to my scalp and apply to a few braids/twists at a time the way you'd apply relaxer then squeeze to let the condish penetrate the strands. I leave them hanging so the if conditioner drips slowly it concentrates on the ends where it's most needed (oldest parts of my hair). I then wear a plastic cap so as not to get it on my clothes or so I can shower and then I rinse off using the squeezing motion again. I do this for quite a while (about 5 minutes so I can be pretty sure the hair's well rinsed out). I then dunk my head in a solution of ACV and EOs and massage my scalp while letting my hair soak up the goodness of the solution. ACV rinses are the highlight of my wash.
Thanks for the input ladies. I am rocking a wig with cornrowed hair underneath...I just had a quick question, for the ladies who cowash in you experience any matting or tangling?

I don't but I think that's because I avoid applying conditioner to the base of my braids and I also rinse very well. I don't use any products after rinsing my hair so that I think helps too. Oh...there's also the fact that I do redo my braids as they get loose so I probably don't give them a chance to mat.

I am not sure but I am guessing Robin might have a solution for the matting you are talking about. It may be mainly for single braid extensions but I'm guessing it might be helpful to you too.
Thanks Nonie. I haven't experienced any matting. I just know if I had fake hair box braids on, matting at the base would be an issue. My braided hair is natural now (no fake hair), so I was wondering if I should still be concerned about cowashing and braids.
My hair was already naturally thick, so it couldn't get any thicker. I have nopoo'd exclusively for 9 years. Every other wash I do a ACV rinse.
Do you detangle everytime you cowash?
Yes, I detangle everytime I nopoo.
How has cowashing helped your hair?
Yes, my hair stays moisturized in between no pooing, because I do not use any additional products in my hair.

BTW I have been no pooing for 9 years and I have been natural for 11+ years.
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I'm a daily co-washer (its a 6 month personal challenge)

Do you detangle everytime you cowash?
I only detangle once a week. What I do is:
I wear my hair in a bun daily so when I co-wash I take it out of its pony and let the water drench it then I apply the conditioner "in the motion as if I was putting my hair right back into the pony"
Then I rinse (some of it out) seal with castor oil and g

How has cowashing helped your hair?
My hair has got extremely thicker. As far as length goes, it growing at a normal rate. If you click on my blog you'll see pics documenting the thickness

Overall, I hope that daily co-washing gets me to apl and a major thick fro :grin: