Question for Biotin users


Live, Laugh, Love
I currently take 1000mcg of Biotin once a day, I've done so for 2 weeks and so far I've had no headaches or breakouts from it. I'm thinking of upping my dose to 1000mcg in the am and 1000mcg in the pm. Has anyone taken this much and gotten results with no side-effects?

When I first joined the forum, I sort of jumped on the bandwagon of taking lots of different supplements although the idea of taking individual supps seemed to be a bad idea, since too much biotin not balanced by B5 led to breakouts. And then I'd have to wonder how my B5 was enough. So instead I looked for a hair multi that had a high concentration of biotin but also plenty of B5 and other hair promoting vitamins. I found 3000 mcg in Great Hair plus it was also high in other important vitamins/minerals I had learned from the forum were good for hair growth. I believe this is the best way to take any supplement in a complex than on its own if you don't want side-effects that aren't pleasant. My belief is in the complex, how the ingredients interact with each other has been taken into consideration to create a good balance with little chance of side-effects.

I didn't have side-effects with that much biotin in Great Hair. I did stop taking it anyway because I didn't see any change in my hair growth taking that as opposed to my normal all-body-health multi. So I returned to my whole body multi. After all, I eat a lot of foods full of biotin so I don't think I was suffering from the deficiency that would cause the supplement to make a difference in my hair growth.
I am currently taking 5000 mcg of biotin, High potency B-complex and a prenatal with no headaches, pimples or body hair:lachen:
I went from 600mcg's to 5000mcg's (with a B vitamin and 3000mgs of MSM) - no side effects, hallucinations, pimples, nada.

What I did get was fantastic growth that has kept me taking 5000mcg's for almost a year.
I took 7500mcg of Biotin for a long time. I never had any ill effects and I never "doubled-up" if I missed a day. I recently stopped taking Biotin because I started taking another supplement and I didn't want to take two.

Otherwise, I would still be taking 7500mcg/day.
Biotin worked good for me, then I start using it by itself, then bam, bam, bam, bam and bam, all around my jaw line huge, painful cystic bumps. OMG they hurt so bad, the scars are finally going away, after cosmetic works.

I tried to mix my other vits with it, but it was to late, I threw Biotin way. I was taking 5,000mcg.

I did get wonderful growth/thickness with it, but its not worth the bumps and pain. Im still getting hair growth/thickness without it.
WATER, WATER AND MORE WATER! Biotin in particular to avoid the acne breakouts. I hate at the end of the day having that Vitamin B-Complex bright yellow urine-tells me my water intake was not enough.:wallbash:
I use to take 5000 mcg's nightly of Biotin with no side effects for years & years. It wasn't until I joined here, that I ever heard that Biotin produced any side effects at all. I had no headaches, no acne, no breakouts. It worked well. For Me.

I have since, been taking Hairstimulator Vitamins. But I am seriously considering going back to the Biotin as well and add that back into my supplement rotation.
Dont they say that the body will use/take what it needs and the rest is released. So even if you up your dosage it doesnt neccessarily equate to better results, unless of course you body needed the higher dosage? Not sure!