Question: Do you have to wash or cowash braids (with extensions) often?


New Member
Like you would with your normal hair out. I ask because I put individual braids with fake hair my daughter's hair one week ago. She said her scalp isn't itching and she doesn't have product build up and I am spraying them with gueye braid spray which the first ingredient is water every few days. So I am wondering should I wash her scalp this weekend or is it safe to go another week with out washing.

Back in the day when I had braids before I knew anything of the hair world I wouldn't wash my braids or scalp at all and I'd keep the braids in for a month then take the front half out and wash and condish and then get them rebraided for another month but that back section of my head went 2 months with no washing and my hair was fine.

So I am curious what you ladies think?

Thanks for your help I surely do appreciate it :grin:
I would use as astringent on her scalp if you notice any buildup, but if DD says she doesn't itch and you continue to use your moisturizing spray, I think you can wait another week to do a full wash. :)
I wore extensions for 5 years straight. Dang!

I washed once a week with the first install. As the NG started coming in, I'd find myself needing to do it twice a week.
you can rinse her scalp with just warm water and give her a light massage to lift any dirt also the spray may be the problem