Question about stretching....


New Member
Do your ends look sparse with the shrinkage when stretching. I am a little scared I may need a trime when I relax because my ends look horrible. I am also just took out a weave I had in for about a week yesterday and lost tons of hair last night. I am soo scared I may have a setback here.
I am 8 weeks post relaxer today with tons of new growth due to MN.
I think most girls suffer this when they stretch. i did too. How well did u take care of ur ends during the stretch? this plays a major part as to if u'll need a major trim when u relax. I made sure i kept up with my ends during my 12 week stretch. but the way they looked around week 9-12 was a horror:blush:. they looked as if they split a lot and my hair was muuuch shorter. but i think that's the effect of normal shrinkage when ur stretching. But even with my ends looking like that i still kept up with them. so by the time i relaxed, i was amazed at the results. i hardly needed a trim which shocked me! so i was happy
I do take really goo care of my ends. I moisturize them then seal with castor oil. I am starting to experience alot of shedding so I amy go ahead and relax. I took out that weave I had up for a week and notice tons of shedding plus lots of tangling, I may have shed soo much due to this, I may wait for a relaxer and see how it goes. I really had my mind on going for the goal and stretching for 12 weeks but my hair may not be able to take it.
I suffer from that too. I stretch for long periods of time. The best thing to do tend to you other words baby your ends. A good moisturizer and seal with a good oil like JBCO.
I suffer from this when I stretch as well, for some its a part of stretching what I do is keep my hair especially my ends moisturized. Your hair may look this way until you get a touch-up, once thing is you should know your stretch limitation and how far is too far.. I know mine is 12 weeks and no more so be careful when stretching... HHG