Question about Straw Curls (HELP)


Hello Ladies,

I need your expertise. My aunt is getting straw curls next week and the person who does her hair uses Pre-Con gel to set curls. She lets her hair air dry instead of sitting for a long time under a dryer. She wanted to know if anyone knows of another product that dries quicker and possibly doesn't flake after hair is dry. She says that normally when she get her hair done in straw curls after a week or so she has dried up product (looks like drandruff) on her pillow and clothes. Any information you can give would be greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance. Have a great day.

When I do a strawset or a rollerset I always use curl wax, the orange stuff. I cannot think of the brand but I know I tried two different ones and one I liked the consistency better, the results were pretty much the same though. She does not need to use a lot, it helps to give shine and hold the curl. I can keep strawsets for a week and workout getting sweaty and it still looks good. I am not sure if it will dry quicker, but it certainly will not flake.
I just use lottabody setting lotion and fantasia styling gel w/ sparkle lites w/ aloe (not sure what the sparkle lites are) it's alcohol free, good hold, and there are no flakes

This is what I use, (also great for rod sets). But only use this stuff for curls that you won't be combing out. It has a firm hold with NO flakes and dries fast!