Question about "Real Cream" conditioner


Well-Known Member
Question about \"Real Cream\" conditioner

I remember there was a post awhile back regarding this conditioner. I'm interested in purchasing it because it has a ph of about 4. It says though, that it's for people whose hair is dry, permed, colored or bleached hair. My hair is natural. Do you think this conditioner will work for me? It's very expensive if i buy the 32 oz (20.99), but it's either this or Nexus Ensure Acidifying Conditioner that has a ph of about 4.8. This one costs about 28.00 for 1 liter (34 oz.) I read on the George Michael website that one of his secrets to long healthy hair is using an acidifying conditioner that helps balance the ph level, and also it detangles and gives your hair a shine. I want to make a purchase this week, and any suggestions would be helpful.
Re: Question about \"Real Cream\" conditioner

It's on the thin side, fancypants, and I know naturals tend to like heavier conditioners. It is good, but I personally feel it's no better than cheaper, more readily available products.

It is creamy - maybe the consistency of Elucence - perhaps a bit heavier but it's's won't leave the hair feeling protected like some conditioners do, and while good, it's a dime a dozen.

I've used Nexxus Ensure (an acidfier) and got similar results - but the Ensure is even lighter and is great as a cream rinse type product when you're done with all of the heavy duty deep conditioning.
You can also use ACV to acidify...
Re: Question about \"Real Cream\" conditioner

Thanks Tracy for responding. I will save my money. I was thinking about buying some of the dominican conditioners from sickbay and i think i will. I will try using ACV as my final rinse to see if this can help keep my cuticles tight. Is there any special type of vinegar to use? i.e., healthfood store, opposed to supermarket, or does it all work the same.
Re: Question about \"Real Cream\" conditioner

Any apple cider will do. Some people really like the one with "Mother"...which you have to buy in HF stores - but I've used both and didn't notice a difference.