Question About Moisturizer


New Member
Can anyone explain the different types of moisturizers that exist? For example, I thought there was only one type but I've read on one of the threads that NTM is a protein based moisturizer. Protein based versus what exactly? The first ingredient is water so shouldn't it b water based? This may b a bit of a silly question so I apologize in advance (it's the newbie in me). The only reason I'm stressing it is because I want to kno that I'm not putting too much protein in my hair so I dun have negative consequences. Please advise, ladies

ETA - I'm also trying out BioInfusion Olive Oil Hair Lotion and my hair seems to like it but I'm not sure if it's a protein based or whatever the heck! LoL
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Well, as far as different types of moisturizers, the two main categories would be water-based and oil-based. Frankly, I still don't even know the differences between them or the difference between a moisturizer and a leave-in.

My personal preference for a moisturizer is something that doesn't have any heavy ingredients that will build up on my hair. And, the ingredients need to all serve a purpose and keep my hair soft, supple, and moist (obviously lol). Also, plain water is a great moisturizer as long as it's sealed in with something (for me anyway).

Now as far as protein goes, you need to learn what different proteins are and what they do. Hair needs protein in order to have something for the moisture to latch on to. But, certain products may have a higher amount of protein than you need. The following is a great thread for understanding what makes a conditioner protein-based, and you can use the same guidelines for moisturizers. Also, post #67 in the thread has a list of proteins and what they do.

By the way, welcome!
thanks for the welcome, msa!

bump bump bump...

I kno my LHCF ladies are full of info; share the wealth! :)
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