Question about Lenzi's Request


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I just have a quick question.
I've seen on this board and the other hair website that a lot of people say that Lenzi's request really works. I just bought some, and I'm waiting for my order to arrive, but I have a quick question.

After doing a lot of searches on both websites, I noticed that a lot of people said that it works, but they only use it occassionally. I was wondering if someone could tell me why that is? Many people swear by it, but most say they haven't used it in months. I was just curious and if there was something I should be aware of. I plan on using it in conjunction with my homemade MTG mixture (which is just WGO and sulfur powder). I know I can't use either one of them everyday, but I just wanted to ask before I started using it. Thanks in advance !
Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. I guess you can kind of forget about it. I just ordered some and the directions are to use it once or twice a week. Also, some people have products that they only use at certain times.
I bought it for my father to regrow a bald spot, once it grew back in, and he finished the jar, he didn't ask for more, and the hair that grew in there didn't disappear.

Then I bought it for my thin spots at my temples and might buy another jar of it to see if I can get my right temple to improve further, but I'm kind of happy with what I've gotten.

I always put it on on the same day I washed my hair, which is once a week, so I never forgot it.
Probably has a lot to do with the suggested in frequency of use, like Keluric said, it's probably forgotten about with all the 'stuff' we do to our hair daily.
Hmm. Maybe that's it. I just always thought it was weird that everyone said it was so great, but they hadn't used it in months! Who knows? When I get mine, I might do the same thing. LOL.
Jaelin said:
I bought it for my father to regrow a bald spot, once it grew back in, and he finished the jar, he didn't ask for more, and the hair that grew in there didn't disappear.

That's what I am talking about.

My testimony:

I was washing my hair in the shower, rinsed the poo out and stepped out of the shower, reached under the sink to get some Motions CPR conditioner, Grabbed the jar put some conditioner (what I thought was conditioner) on my hair and then put on a plastic shower cap. Shortly there after my head begin to burn really bad. I looked at the jar and it was a motions perm. My hair fell out all around the edges, bald spots all across my hairline. I began to use this product and my hair grew back within days. It works for me.
I just got my Lenzi's request last week. Is it okay to use it everyday? I already put some 3 times this week am I over doing it?
gn1g said:
That's what I am talking about.

My testimony:

I was washing my hair in the shower, rinsed the poo out and stepped out of the shower, reached under the sink to get some Motions CPR conditioner, Grabbed the jar put some conditioner (what I thought was conditioner) on my hair and then put on a plastic shower cap. Shortly there after my head begin to burn really bad. I looked at the jar and it was a motions perm. My hair fell out all around the edges, bald spots all across my hairline. I began to use this product and my hair grew back within days. It works for me.


Ok. So y'all know when I see the UPS man it's on. I'll probably tackle him to snatch the box out of his hand! LOL.
That's crazy! But that's great. I can't wait.
I don't know much about hair growing in days..but, what I do know is that since I have been using it more consistantly, my hair is really taking off and growing nicely. It's a simple pomade, but has been putting out powerful results.

I hope it works well for you. For those who are using it everyday, I don't know if I would go away from the instructions on the jar. I have been using it 3 days a week and I have been having good growth from it.
tyefrmy said:

Ok. So y'all know when I see the UPS man it's on. I'll probably tackle him to snatch the box out of his hand! LOL.
That's crazy! But that's great. I can't wait.

yep I was also taking biotin pills.
Nice & Wavy said:
I don't know much about hair growing in days..but, what I do know is that since I have been using it more consistantly, my hair is really taking off and growing nicely. It's a simple pomade, but has been putting out powerful results.

I hope it works well for you. For those who are using it everyday, I don't know if I would go away from the instructions on the jar. I have been using it 3 days a week and I have been having good growth from it.

I agree. Lenzi's and my homemade sulfure pomade so far have helped me grow out the back of my head. I use it as often as I wash my hair.The thing for me is that after I apply it, days later I could be playfully digging my fingers into my scalp and they come out very oily! So I don't apply it any more than once a week or it might be too greasy. It makes my hair feel really good though, a lot softer.
I've just started using it, and I swear my hairline looks - fuller, somehow, like it's growing. I also TOTALLY second the "rubbing fingers in head a day later and still coming up oily' as I've done that a FEW times. I try to use it when I redo my hair, which usually ends up being twice a week. If not, I definitely use it on Sat and Wed
i just cant take the smell so i havent been using it consistently...i guess im now where im sensitive about the smell of my hair and if something is overpowering then i try to cut down on the usage...i was going to apply this last night on my scalp..but i also noticed that i had scalp irritation/sores from it awhile back but never have experienced this before when i used it...but i may cut down on using it for once a week....
Hi Newbie here--got my Lenzie's request and Hair Souflee a week ago. Only used the Lenzie's twice since then on small clean spots on my temples. These spots have been there for years. I can see the baby hairs filling it in. So I'm sold on it. Its a 'grease' consistancy so that maybe why the instruction to use 2x a week. The souffle is great on my ends. :)
I use it about 3x a week, it defintely keeps my scalp with an oiled feeling. But it's not overbearing. I purchased 3jars and am already done with 1...I've seen tremendous progress, so I can't imagine stopping usage totally.

this will be a staple of mind for as long as she continues making it
eajaye2u said:
Hi Newbie here--got my Lenzie's request and Hair Souflee a week ago. Only used the Lenzie's twice since then on small clean spots on my temples. These spots have been there for years. I can see the baby hairs filling it in. So I'm sold on it. Its a 'grease' consistancy so that maybe why the instruction to use 2x a week. The souffle is great on my ends. :)

Aww, your first post! Welcome! :wave:
Hopefully it will help with the MSM I'm currently taking.
Still waitin' on that UPS man. LMAO!!!
I got mine!
Order Contents:
Qty Item # Description Price Total
Each Price
1 004 Lenzi's Request 10.00 10.00

1 003 Hair Souffle 10.00 10.00
Subtotal 20.00
Tax 0.00
Shipping & Handling 7.00
Paid 27.00
Enjoy - I've been there peepin tooo. Still looking around the corners every now and then!
Ok. I'm a total idiot!

I'm sittin' here talking about how I can't wait for the product to get here. It would probably helped if I paid for the darn thing, huh? I'm hatin' (LOL) on yoniy b/c she got hers and I didn't get mine. Something said go back and look at the order. They sent the receipt but for some reason, I forgot to pay by Paypal. I think I got confused because I ordered something else that same day with Paypal, and I could have thought I paid. Ok. This time I KNOW I paid. LMAO !!!

Welcome newbies !
Ok. It arrived, but now I REALLY feel like an idiot.
The receipt says that I paid already. Well, I guess I'll just get two, huh?

This stuff does tingle. I can see now why the bottle says to use once or twice a week!
tyefrmy said:

Ok. So y'all know when I see the UPS man it's on. I'll probably tackle him to snatch the box out of his hand! LOL.
That's crazy! But that's great. I can't wait.

:lachen: I thought I was the only one that runs out to the curb to snatch packages out of his hand.
I am glad to hear more good results from this product. I am waiting for my order. I will gladly post my results after using it for a while.
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sareca said:
:lachen: I thought I was the only one that runs out to the curb to snatch packages out of his hand.

Yeah girl. Don't let me see a UPS truck coming. I'm all over that bad boy! :lachen: