Question about Affirm Fiberguard Relaxer


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Is the affirm Fiberguard that comes in the little individual application type tubs soley No-Lye or do they sell Lye relaxer in those little tubs as well.

Questioning what my hairdresser may be using up there. I specifically told her to use Lye Affirm Fiberguard when I started seeing her. 8 months later Im having a dryness issue and wondering if she mayve pulled a fast one on me.

I know a lot of hair dressers are adamant about using no-lye and will try and force, even sneak it on you if you dare to disagree.

Who use this stuff and knows?
Ok, now question 2. Now that I know that do I continue with it?
Confront her?? Break her behind for disrespecting my express wishes??

It looks pretty good and may even be fuller than it was formerly (this was my goal in changing relaxers) but I am expeiencing a
dryness issue. I thought it was from protein overload but I haven't
used any in a few weeks and still have it, now I'm worried it couldbe
calcium build up from the no-lye. I feel a little violated and quite
mad with her for thinking she had the right to sneak this on me against my wishes.

What do you all say?