Question about a Church in Los Angeles


New Member
I hope it's okay to post this question here because I know that christianity is a very guarded subject here.
What I'd like to know is if anyone here attends the Agape Church in Los Angeles and if it's christian based?
Also if anyone can tell me how they operate from an insiders point of view.
Thanks :yep:
are you asking about:

Agape International Spiritual Center (Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director)?
  • this is new age/LOA based Christian-esque but not Christ centered/based
World Agape Mission Church?
Agape Christian Fellowship (Dr. Edward L. Haygood)?

are you asking about:

Agape International Spiritual Center (Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director)?
  • this is new age/LOA based Christian-esque but not Christ centered/based
World Agape Mission Church?

Agape Christian Fellowship (Dr. Edward L. Haygood)?

I'm speaking of #1:: Agape International Spiritual Center w/Michael Beckwith is the one I'm asking about. I heard such inspiration and positive information on PBS, and I live approximately 75 minutes from this church, so I wanted to know if anyone here knew anything more in depth before giving it a whirl.
Thanks for your input. Please let me know if you have insider info.
I have never been to that church, but I read some of one of his books. He is very New Agey, so if you are looking for a church with strictly based Christian theology, I highly doubt you will find it there.

From his site:
Is Agape a church, and do its members follow a mainstream religious teaching based on scripture?
Agape’s teachings embrace a Reality the world’s scriptures and sacred texts endeavor to describe, even as they acknowledge the impossibility of such a task. Some call it God, Great Spirit, Hashem, or Allah, while others simply prefer to leave it nameless. Agape teaches that this Spirit is the Source of our life, that we are made in its image and likeness, which makes us co-creative participants in the three-dimensional world in which we live.

Through Agape’s teaching of the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality, individuals are taught the universal principles, cosmic laws, meditation, prayer and visioning techniques that have been practiced by spiritual seekers for thousands of years, teachings which to this very day are practical in meeting humanity’s challenges of 21st century living. Agape’s universal truth teachings point the way to how an individual may cultivate their own unique relationship with the Ineffable, live their life from a place of conscious connection with the already enlightened essential Self, and be of authentic service to the planet.

In Agape’s services and classes we refer to the world’s scriptures and sacred texts, as well as the writings of ancient and contemporary mystics, teachers, sages, philosophers, pundits, scientists, and even the enlightened person next door!

Is Agape Christian? And what about the Bible and Jesus?
No, and yes.

Yes, some Agape members are Christian, and their personal encounter with the spirit of Jesus as an embodiment of the Christ Consciousness richly informs their spiritual lives.

No, if by Christian you mean the acceptance of Jesus as the only savior and Christianity as the only path to God and eternal salvation. Yes, in the sense that New Thought- Ancient Wisdom history includes the Gnostic teachings of the earliest Christian mystical sects, as well as the founders of the uniquely American New Thought Movement including Emmanuel Swedenborg, Ernest Holmes, Howard Thurman, and transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and others.
The church is polytheistic, if you will. The pastor draws his sermons from the Koran, the Bible, Budda, Philosophers,Self Manifestations, etc. That spells nothing but a bunch of confusion IMO but some people are obviously down with it.

If you are looking for a real, Christian church that follows Jesus Christ as the only true and Living God, then I guarantee you that this is not the place to go. Also, if you desire a closer relationship with Jesus Christ then be careful of opening the door to other spirits. That may not be you but just FYI.