Quality Not Quantity


Well-Known Member
Recently i visited another hair forum. I saw that they rank there members by the # of post they have written or replied to. I am a firm believer in Quality over quantity. Yeah there might be 8,000 post, but what is the quality of them. Just because its a lot doesn't mean its a lot of good "stuff".
Recently i visited another hair forum. I saw that they rank there members by the # of post they have written or replied to. I am a firm believer in Quality over quantity. Yeah there might be 8,000 post, but what is the quality of them. Just because its a lot doesn't mean its a lot of good "stuff".

I agree.

I appreciate the people that post because they REALLY are trying to help inform others with great info or are realllly trying to GAIN knowledge because of their desire to better their hair!
Sounds like BHM. That system has led to a LOT of folk posting ish just to get their numbers/ranking up.
I use this motto for my hair care (tools, products, etc)...I know that's not what this post is about, but I just thought: Oh hey, I'll throw that in there, lol... :)
I didnt want to necessarily shout out the board but it is what it is. But I ran across a post on here the other day and someone commented on not taking a person seriously b/c they were a "newbie" with X amount of posts.
I didnt want to necessarily shout out the board but it is what it is. But I ran across a post on here the other day and someone commented on not taking a person seriously b/c they were a "newbie" with X amount of posts.

I have seen comments like that on BHM. They seem to believe that you don't have anything to contribute if you don't have a high post count.
I agree.

I appreciate the people that post because they REALLY are trying to help inform others with great info or are realllly trying to GAIN knowledge because of their desire to better their hair!

Yep that's me! (the bolded)
However, I tend not to post much because I'm trying to learn more about hair care so 90% of time I'm on the forums...I'm lurking.

Lurkin' till I die...lol.
I guess I'm trying to figure out the relevance of posting this in the hair forum. Are you speaking of posts related to hair, or all posts in general?
I'm always out of the loop...there are so many hair boards these days that I'm lost! LOL

Anyway, super high quantity posters seem to fit into 1 of 2 categories for me: 1) incredibly knowledgable w/ tons of "how to" details 2) drama makers always up in stuff and posting 1,000x to "prove/assert" that they are "right". The trick here is to find the 1st group and avoid the 2nd....it's SOMETIMES easy, but every so often you can get a nasty surprise! :lachen::grin:
I guess I'm trying to figure out the relevance of posting this in the hair forum. Are you speaking of posts related to hair, or all posts in general?

LOL...you wrong for that, but so true so true. The mods let anything go these days, it seems. :grin: Ahh well, I just wanted to tell you REAL is a great icon to have. Fab hair! :yep:
I lurke a lot also. Because I'm on this site 90% of the time on my iPhone. Do yall know how hard it is to post without spelling errors on this phone!!! Lol... I wish there was an app for that!! Lol
LOL...you wrong for that, but so true so true. The mods let anything go these days, it seems. :grin: Ahh well, I just wanted to tell you REAL is a great icon to have. Fab hair! :yep:
I wasn't trying to be funny, I was trying to understand. That ain't bit mo Real, that's Katt Williams aka Money Mike, pimp extraordinaire :lachen: