Q on dying hair black....


New Member
I read somewhere that semi permanent, rinses, or permanent doesn't matter with dying the hair black since it'll stain the hair and act like permanent either way. Is this true? I ask because after my next touchup later this month, I wanted to color my hair jet black or blue black without causing damage.... Should I just use a rinse I have or spend the money to get my hair professionally colored?
Have you ever dyed your hair black before? If not then I would definitely do the rinse first to make sure you like it dark. I use a black rinse and then let it process under the dryer for a few minutes, this ensures that the color will stick and it make the color more rich. However, it does fade eventually so if you do decide that you want to be permantely dark, I would seek a professsional to do the job.
i wouldn't say that they're all the same at all... in my experience, rinses tend to run if you're hair gets wet (ie caught in the rain)... semi permanent and permanents don't tend to do that... if you're experimenting, i'd always test it out first and make sure u'd like the results....

for me, i've given up on dyeing my hair black... rinse,semi permanent or permanent, none of it lasts....
I wash often so semi/demi perms are a waste of time

If this Bigen acts like people say it does and not fade at all ... I think I may have found my brand.

But my blacks have rinsed out plenty of times .. so I dont know about the hair staining
I wash often so semi/demi perms are a waste of time

If this Bigen acts like people say it does and not fade at all ... I think I may have found my brand.

But my blacks have rinsed out plenty of times .. so I dont know about the hair staining

that definitely isn't the case for everyone... i used Bigen Blue Black earlier this year and as of this day my ends are the prettiest RED ever... lol
I used a clairol rinse 12 days ago, sat under the dryer and everything and it is gone now. On top of that the rinse left my hair dry and crispy. I have been touching my edges w/ old mascara.

I am going to travel to an indian store this weekend to find some henna. The rinse takes so much time and makes such a mess not to even last a full 2 weeks. Admittedly, I have had a lot of conditioner in my hair during the past 2 weeks to keep my hair moisturized.
They all fade, but if you had blonde hair and you put a black rinse on it, that hair will never be blonde again.
I use Bigen Blackest Black and it has not faded at all! I love it! The first time I did it was in November and Ijust retouched the roots last weekend because they were lookin' a little brown. I would highly reccomend that you try Bigen.
I used a clairol rinse 12 days ago, sat under the dryer and everything and it is gone now. On top of that the rinse left my hair dry and crispy. I have been touching my edges w/ old mascara.

I am going to travel to an indian store this weekend to find some henna. The rinse takes so much time and makes such a mess not to even last a full 2 weeks. Admittedly, I have had a lot of conditioner in my hair during the past 2 weeks to keep my hair moisturized.

I had the same experience. I used clairol beautiful collection.
I wash often so semi/demi perms are a waste of time

If this Bigen acts like people say it does and not fade at all ... I think I may have found my brand.

But my blacks have rinsed out plenty of times .. so I dont know about the hair staining

I just recently dyed my hair black with Bigen Oriental black, and it is black almost blue black, maybe even a little to dark for my skin tone. But I like it.
I'm a huge fan of jet black hair on myself and I've been using it off and on since the early 90s via a rinse. Thing is you can acheive the same or a similar result without really paying for it in chemical damage. If you are unsure a rinse is the only option in my opinion. I've had a black rinse I've been planning to use for almost 6 months now :)
Wow, thanks for all the help ladies! I didn't think I'd get so much feedback in a short time :grin:. I was leaning on getting a demi permanent like the Design Essentials or using Bigen. I'm afraid of using Bigen though... Is it drying> Does it irritate the scalp much?
You should consider using a cellophane rinse like COLOR SHOWERS. I used this 2 weeks ago and it is EXCELLENT. My hair was soft, black, strong and beautiful. It has no ammonia, peroxide, or any other harmful product. Its a dominican product. The greatest thing about it (unlike other rinses) is that it doesn't rinse out onto my towels and clothes.

Check it out here:


Thank you, I've used cellophanes/ rinses in the past but only once in black. I think it faded weird because it made my ends greenish. I still liked it though since I'm funny like that.
Since I plan on wearing dred extensions/ weaves and protective styles a bit more often I was thinking of going with a more gentle demi permanent perhaps. Either way I'll be sure to let all you ladies no how it goes.
I used a clairol rinse 12 days ago, sat under the dryer and everything and it is gone now. On top of that the rinse left my hair dry and crispy. I have been touching my edges w/ old mascara.

I am going to travel to an indian store this weekend to find some henna. The rinse takes so much time and makes such a mess not to even last a full 2 weeks. Admittedly, I have had a lot of conditioner in my hair during the past 2weeks to keep my hair moisturized.

I had that same problem. What makes it worse is that is supposedly has jojoba oil, aloe vera and vitamin E.
I’ve used Clairol jet black rinses for the last 2 years straight. I haven’t had a bad experience with it yet. (I don’t even remember what my natural brown color looks like anymore) .The best time to use it is on relaxer day since the cuticle layer is more open it will take better. When I do it on relaxer day. it will take a couple of washes to completely wash out instead of like 1 or 2. (but that’s just me).

My avatar pic is my latest jet black color on relaxer day. And I’m very pleased with it