Q: DCing in canerows..?


Well-Known Member
Canerows=cornrows, same thing. Anyway, I'm usually in plaits/twists but I got some canerows done recently (no hair added). They're quite tight and close to my scalp, nothing fancy just going into a low bun. I'm protecting my hair with silk or a satin bonnet and wraps/hats for the next couple of weeks.

I wanna rinse and DC my hair, but I'm just wondering if it'll really get absorbed into my hair... They're still quite compact, maybe I'll just have to wait til my hair grows out a little and just rinse and seal with oil until they get looser?

So, d'you DC or cowash with your hair in canerows and if yes do you feel your hair still benefits from it?
My advice to you Vee is to heavily dilute down your shampoos and DC's the way you would with a weave so you know it's being absorbed :yep:
i don't wash my cornrows unless i've gone swimming...and then i definitely wanna get the chlorine out. it gets frizzy so easily!! :perplexed
to answer your question: i think it will still get absorbed by your hair, and i would definitely dilute like Positively Radiant suggested.:yep:
When I was younger, I had braids and cornrows all the time and you can definitely wash and DC. :yep:

Don't vigorously massage, but gently drag the tips of your fingers down - this will help you cut down on frizz. And don't dry with a towel. Just lightly pat your hair and airdry. You can even tie down with a scarf if you want to.

when i had braids...I would put a stocking cap on overtop and do the whole dilution thing and drench my head and massage through the stocking cap into the parts. It really kept the frizzies to a min.